
The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) is a science-based network of more than 10,000 volunteer experts from almost every country of the world.

Working in close association with IUCN Secretariat, SSC’s major role is to provide information to IUCN on biodiversity conservation, the inherent value of species, their role in ecosystem health and functioning, the provision of ecosystem services, and their support to human livelihoods. This information is fed into the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Adopted by IUCN Members by electronic vote on 10 February 2021.


In the intersessional period of 2021–2025, the Species Survival Commission (SSC) enables IUCN to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity of biodiversity, and to ensure that the use of species is both equitable and sustainable, through:

  • the provision of knowledge on the status and trends of species;
  • developing policies and guidelines;
  • facilitating conservation planning; and
  • catalysing action on the ground and in the water.


A just world that values and conserves nature through positive action to both prevent the loss and aid recovery of the diversity of life on earth.