IUCN engagement in food and agricultural systems
IUCN’s 1948 founding Vision of a just world that values and conserves nature remains our North Star. IUCN’s 20 Year Vision to 2045 outlines 8 Global Transformations for Nature and People, including Food systems and Sustainable Agriculture where IUCN’s Secretariat will work with Members and Commissions to catalyse a transition to sustainable, equitable and resilient food and agricultural systems that value and conserve nature, while safeguarding human wellbeing and societal benefits.
This will be achieved by:
Fostering good governance and dialogue between food and agricultural system actors;
Advocating for strong policies, investment and monitoring linking climate change and biodiversity conservation;
Providing the science and knowledge necessary to guide decision making of food and agricultural systems actors
Promoting sustainable agriculture approaches and nature based solutions, such as regenerative agriculture, agroecology and indigenous practices.