Advances and setbacks as Global Plastics Treaty negotiations adjourn: IUCN and IUCN WCEL share reflections and the path toward INC-5.2 in 2025
The International Legally Binding Agreement (ILBI) to end plastic pollution adjourned its negotiations in Busan, Republic of Korea, without finalizing a treaty.
The negotiations did advance a textual structure – the Chair’s Non-Paper – for future discussions. By the end of the negotiations, it was clear that most countries supported ambitious, binding measures to address the full lifecycle of plastic pollution.
The week-long negotiation explored critical topics including upstream solutions, legacy plastic pollution, potential bans and phase-outs for harmful products and chemicals of concern, health impacts, waste management, financial mechanisms, and circular economy. However, the meeting adjourned without establishing a clear date or location for the next negotiation session, leaving significant challenges unresolved.
Dr. Grethel Aguilar, Director General, IUCN stated, “Plastic pollution has disastrous effects on life in our oceans, rivers, and on land, as well as on human health, and negatively impacts biodiversity. We must be bold in our efforts to make positive change and keep ambition high. IUCN welcomes the progress made at INC-5, yet urges UN Member States to bridge differences and further collaborate to deliver a strong, science-based, substantive Treaty which will benefit nature and people. Our Union is committed to this work.”
The current draft text lacks comprehensive provisions on key issues. It needs substantial clarification on sustainable production including on chemicals of concern used in products, consumption, and waste management as well as financial mechanisms to be used for treaty implementation support. The text also fails to adequately address biodiversity protection and health impacts from plastic pollution and would not mandate national action plans to systematically combat plastic pollution and facilitate compliance review. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is also in need of substantial clarifications and support, and the full life cycle approach should be considered, as well.
Dr. Alexandra Harrington, IUCN WCEL, Chair of the WCEL Task Force on Plastic Pollution, added, “The upcoming INC 5.2 and intersessional meetings are crucial for clarifying key negotiation areas, including financing mechanisms, chemicals of concern, production issues, and implementation measures. IUCN WCEL remains optimistic that the Member States will find common ground to develop a robust and progressive international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.”
IUCN sees multiple opportunities for its technical and legal expertise to support Member States in making clarifications to the content of the current Chair’s draft. This is particularly true in articles related to plastic product design, health, just transitions, waste management, and capacity building. IUCN has developed tools to assess plastic pollution's ecosystem impact, create circular economy models that are nature positive, and support just transition approaches. Through IUCN and its WCEL, the Union is uniquely positioned to bridge these tools and the legal and regulatory insight necessary to guide international legal requirements as well as treaty ratification and implementation processes at the national level.
Noting that the proposed Chair’s Text meets some of the UNEA 5/14 mandate, Dr. Karine Siegwart, Head of Delegation and Senior Policy Advisor, IUCN Centre for Law and Policy, shared, “IUCN is concerned about a lack of specific inclusion of biodiversity and indigenous peoples’ rights in this text. IUCN demonstrates in our work and in our partnerships the best practices for inclusive, nature-positive approaches to circular solutions that reinforce our Union’s commitment to nature, protect biodiversity and indigenous peoples’ rights, and enhance just transitions for improved well-being of our communities.”
The negotiations highlight an urgent need to conclude a science-based agreement, as current "business as usual" tactics and the solely focus on recycling will not effectively end plastic pollution. The harm caused to human health, including current and future generations, all ecosystems and the environment, biodiversity, and communities is well-documented and demands urgent action.
IUCN asks for “Courage” and proposes a comprehensive approach to assist Member States to recognize and address the interconnected challenges of plastic pollution, biodiversity loss, and human health. IUCN stands ready to support negotiators with legal and science-based advice, aiming to include specific biodiversity language in the future plastics treaty.
Additional materials analysing the outcomes are forthcoming.
Further reading:
- IUCN INC page
- IUCN materials for INC-5
- Reinforcing Commitments to Nature and Communities: Options to include Biodiversity in the future Global Plastics Treaty - a Brief on Biodiversity with ZSL and Fauna and Flora
- A Brief on Just Transition and Social Inclusion with Yunus Environment Hub and GIZ
- IUCN’s written statement at INC-5 on Biodiversity/Health
- IUCN and WCEL Legal analysis of the INC Chair’s Non-Paper for INC-5 - resource | IUCN.
- IUCN Updated IUCN Plastic Pollution Issues Brief (2024)
- Resolution 019: Stopping the global plastic pollution crisis in marine environments by 2030
- Resolution 069: Eliminate plastic pollution in protected areas, with priority action on single-use plastic products
- UNEP INC-5 page
- ENB IISD Report Summary INC-5
Contact us at [email protected]:
Dr Karine Siegwart, Senior Policy Advisor, IUCN Centre for Policy and Law
Dr Alexandra Harrington, Chair, IUCN WCEL Agreement on Plastic Pollution Task Force
Lynn Sorrentino, Programme Officer, Plastics, Ocean, IUCN Centre for Conservation Action
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