Illegal trade in wildlife has increased dramatically over the past decade; however, so have enforcement efforts aimed at mitigating this threat. Successful enforcement often involves the seizure and confiscation of wild species from diverse taxa of plants, animals and fungi. These confiscations ...
Tujuan utama buku panduan ini untuk membantu mereka yang berkecimpung dalam perdagangan dan panenan ular yang dihadapkan pada perlunya menerapkan monitoring dan manajemen. Buku panduan ini dibuat untuk pengelola satwa liar pemerintah, ahli konservasi, ilmuwan amatir dan profesional yang tertarik...
Great ape tourism, if well implemented, can serve to conserve the species but it can also have considerable negative impacts if it is not based on sound conservation principles. These guidelines have been developed for both existing and potential great apes tourism sites that wish to improve the...