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Story 07 Ott, 2019

Join the regional partnership for biodiversity of South-East Europe

Biodiversity Task Force of South East-Europe (SEE) invites like-minded agencies, organisations and initiatives focused on strengthening on-the-ground conservation action in the SEE region, to express their interest to join this partnership as associated members.

“With suitable arrangements and rules of engagement now in place, together we can advance regional conservation efforts and work towards achieving the sustainable use of biodiversity,” said Shpresa Harasani, Biodiversity Task Force (BD TF) Chair, Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania.

Potential members should be qualified in fields related to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and can apply to non-voting membership to BD TF in the following categories:

  1. Associate members (agencies, organisations or bodies (both formal and informal structures) that have interests, experiences or mandates compatible with those of the BD TF); or
  2. Invited experts (individuals invited by BD TF voting members to attend meetings or participate in processes on an ad-hoc or temporary basis, due to their specific expertise, experience or influence).

Criteria for granting non-voting member status 

The associate membership would be approved for those that have interests, experiences or mandate that correspond with those of the BD TF and might be in a position to support its work through partnerships, actions, collaboration, knowledge and information sharing, or financially.

Associate members should:

  • acknowledge the goals and basic principles of the BD TF as per BD TF Terms of Reference;
  • be in a position to support or further the BD TF’s work plan either by contributing funding or through shared actions, knowledge, information and partnerships;
  • be technically or scientifically competent in relation to the goals of the BD TF; and
  • nominated to speak as accredited representatives of his/her organisation.

Invited members should:

  • acknowledge the goals and basic principles of the BD TF as per BD TF Terms of Reference
  • have specific expertise, experience or influence to support the BD TF’s in biodiversity protection by fostering regional cooperation; and
  • be invited by BD TF focal point to join.

To learn more about the set of BD TF’s regional priorities kindly refer to the SEE BD TF brochure

The procedure of granting non-voting member status

Any interested agency, organization or body can apply for BD TF associate membership by sending the corresponding filled application form to SEE BD TF Secretariat

Experts are advised to coordinate with BD TF focal and deputy focal points for their invitation before applying.

The email in both cases should include a statement demonstrating the parties’ qualifications in the field related to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. BD TF can request additional information.

Received applications will be examined by the BD TF on a case-by-case basis and taking into consideration the readiness of the possible future associate member to make a practical and valuable contribution to the implementation of the main principles and goals of the BD TF. Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Admission from the BD TF Secretariat.

SEE Biodiversity Task Force is composed of focal points and deputy focal points with expertise in biodiversity and related intervention fields, nominated by the economies of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and The Republic of North Macedonia. IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO) acts as the BD TF Secretariat. Support is provided by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the project Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Implementation of Biodiversity Agreements (ORF BDU), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).