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Story 22 Nov, 2021

UNEP and IUCN offer a free step-by-step tutorial and video guidance to measure plastic pollution hotspots

The UNEP/IUCN National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action now includes a linear, step-by-step tutorial and six videos to support learning on the process to gather and analyse data to determine where, what, and how plastic is leaking into the environment.

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Photo: © Shutterstock

10 November 2021 – Gland, Switzerland: Created to assist new users who wish to apply the UNEP/IUCN National Guidance for plastic pollution hotspotting and shaping action methodology, this Tutorial and its six videos take users through a national hotspotting assessment by following a step-by-step workflow. The links to the relevant videos can be found in the relevant chapters of the tutorial document as well.

The core of the methodology and requirements is presented to help users visualise the journey from data collection to intervention identification to detailed GIS modelling. With precise directions and video content, the document elaborates the 29 steps to conduct a national plastic pollution hotspotting assessment. A flowchart of each phase (A, B, and C) illustrates the data needed, the technical and strategic tools to use, how to verify results, and in which order to generate the necessary outcomes that can be synthesised as evidence and guidance for policy makers.

UNEP Tutorial National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action

To access the Guidance in three languages, the Tutorial slides, and to watch the videos, follow these links:


Acknowledgements and Support

This Tutorial is an output from the Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities project (MARPLASTICCs), generously supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).


IUCN also wishes to acknowledge the leadership, support and cooperation throughout of our partners at UNEP.




For further information please email:

Lynn Sorrentino, Marine Programme Officer, at [email protected]

Other Resources

National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action

IUCN’s Close the Plastic Tap programme