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Over 17,000 scientists and experts from around the world and across a wide range of disciplines volunteer their expertise as members of an IUCN Commission.

What IUCN Commissions do:

IUCN Commission members work collaboratively to, 

  1. Analyse issues and prepare assessments, reports, action plans, criteria and methodology;
  2. Undertake research and other scientific and technical work;

  3. Undertake tasks assigned to them within the integrated programme of IUCN;

  4. Provide advice on any matter within their fields of competence;

  5. Broaden knowledge and competence on matters relating to their mandates;

  6. Work with Members and the Secretariat to develop activities within the various Regions;

  7. Support Members and components of IUCN with necessary expertise; and

  8. Undertake such other responsibilities as may be assigned to them by the World Congress and the Council.

The Seven IUCN Commissions

Driving change through leading communication, learning and knowledge

Promoting ecosystem-based approaches for the management of landscapes and seascapes

Harmonising nature conservation and the critical social, cultural, environmental, and economic justice concerns of human societies

Influencing, encouraging and assisting societies to conserve biodiversity by building knowledge on the status and threats to species.

Advancing environmental law to strengthen the legal foundations of conservation of nature and sustainable development.

Developing knowledge based policy, advice and guidance on the full suite of issues surrounding protected areas.

Promote appropriate, effective, just, and nature-positive solutions to the climate crisis that are based on the best available scientific evidence from all reputable international bodies and from indigenous knowledge systems.

Commission Support Unit

A team of dedicated staff working to coordinate a smooth workflow between IUCN Commissions and other parts of the Union.

Commission Awards

IUCN Commissions offer various awards to deserving individuals and organisations in their fields.