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Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative (IBRRI)

Stork walks across water
Sirichai Arunrugstichai


Our Story

The Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative (IBRRI) was jointly developed by the Ramsar National Focal Points of the five countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam), and IUCN’s Asia Regional Office, based on specific needs identified in these countries. It was endorsed by the 52nd meeting of the Ramsar Convention Standing Committee in June 2016. The IBRRI aims to support the coordinated implementation of the objectives of the Strategic Plan of the Ramsar Convention. IUCN acts as the Secretariat for the Initiative under the leadership of the Steering Committee, which includes representatives from the five governments and the Ramsar Convention Secretariat as an observer.


IBRRI logo


The IBRRI Strategic Plan (2019-2024) was launched in February 2019. It was developed through extensive consultations with Ramsar authorities in the five countries as well as representatives from national and international NGOs and academics. The Strategic Plan consists of five operational objectives that align with the Ramsar Convention’s Fourth Strategic Plan. Broadly, these objectives are to share knowledge, ensure the conservation of key wetland species, help develop and strengthen policy on wetlands, raise awareness and promote education and ensure that the Regional Initiative is sound and sustainable. The plan was approved by the five Ramsar National Authorities and will guide the work of the countries and partners through 2024. 



Ramsar Convention
IBRRI donors



IBRRI Strategic Plan 2019

Identifying and Prioritising Wetlands for Ramsar Site Designation in the Indo-Burma Region 

Indo-Burma Wetland Outlook 2022

Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning Tool 

Habitat Vulnerability Assessment Tool 

Species Vulnerability Assessment Tool 

Village Vulnerability Assessment Tool