Washington DC, April 25, 2024 — Four new projects are addressing gender-based violence in the context of climate and conservation action through funding from the Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) grants challenge across Central America, Eastern and Southern Africa and…
The BIODEV2030 project, launched in early 2020 supports the country's development ambition, while promoting the adoption of voluntary sectoral commitments that incorporate ambitious biodiversity conservation and restoration measures.
Grassroots action for the restoration of your local ecosystem is a means to engage yourself and the community around you to become part of the change that you are trying to achieve, according to the IUCN Community-Organizing Toolkit on Ecosystem Restoration.
A new paper, published today in Science, argues for an international legally binding agreement that addresses the entire life cycle of plastics, from extraction of raw materials to legacy plastic pollution. Three clear goals are proposed and encouraged, to…
Gland, Switzerland, 06 April 2021 – More than 10,000 young people will connect and exchange ideas online at the first-ever International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Youth Summit, from 6 to 16 April. The outcomes of the Summit will be presented…
All coastal and marine ecosystems are critical to human well-being and global biodiversity. Mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds are examples of these. But urban and rural infrastructure investments are having a heavy negative impact on these systems, and it is…
World Toilet Day, celebrated on 19 November every year, is about inspiring action to tackle the global sanitation crisis and help achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which promises sanitation for all by 2030. As more than half the global population…
Globally, over 310 lake and river basins stretch across national borders. Around 60% of those lack any type of cooperative management framework. Good transboundary water management is crucial for peace, security, economic development and environmental…
The IUCN BRIDGE programme works towards building river dialogue and governance in transboundary basins. Implemented by IUCN in close collaboration with regional partners, a fourth phase of the…
Today the world population stands at 7.7 billion. In the next 30 years it is expected to grow by a further 2.9 billion. By 2100, according to the latest UN projections, humanity is expected to have developed into an almost exclusively urban species with 80-90% of people living in…