As part of his latest conservation initiative, The Duke of Cambridge brings together an unprecedented collaboration between the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, and seven of the world’s most influential conservation organizations, including IUCN.
This paper examines how interventions intended to improve functionality and productivity of forested landscapes to improve livelihoods of the poorest populations, might actually yield co-benefits in terms of biodiversity conservation. It argues in favour of a ‘landscape’ approach to achieve…
This popular video is now available in six languages. Screen it at your next event and start people talking about how to 'communicate biodiversity'.
The world’s forests are essential to life in all its diversity and to attaining humanity’s biggest goals such as reducing poverty, curbing climate change and achieving sustainable development. Throughout 2011 IUCN will work towards making sure that forests deliver their maximum potential for…
Dans le souci de partager les expériences et développer une stratégie pour la restauration du paysage forestier en Afrique, le Ministère des Ressources Naturelles du Rwanda, l’UICN en collaboration avec l’OIBT et Helpage ont organisé du 8 au 12 juin 2009, un atelier intitulé, «Atelier sous…