CEC commission member Catherine Kühn recently attended the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence conference in Oxford, UK. The conference set the stage for tackling global human-wildlife conflict issues which affect the future of nature. CEC’s vision, “a world committed to protecting…
The newest CEC product is about a little girl named Tara who befriended a Magic Tree that helps her fighting for a cleaner planet
The Blue and John Crow Mountains has become Jamaica’s first World Heritage site today, following advice from IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, responsible for evaluating the site’s natural values. Extensions of South Africa’s Cape Floral Region Protected Areas and Viet…
Key recommendations by IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, on new and threatened natural World Heritage sites are released today ahead of the World Heritage Committee meeting which takes place in Bonn, Germany from 28 June to 8 July. IUCN recommends that Colombia’s Los…
Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Chinese Pufferfish, American Eel, Chinese Cobra and an Australian butterfly are threatened with extinction
Learn more about SOS – Save Our Species at a celebration on resource mobilisation with colleagues also from the CBD, CEPF and LifeWeb at the Rio Convention Pavilion Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 18:30– 20:00.
Oil and gas company Total has confirmed that it will not carry out extractive operations within natural World Heritage sites, including Virunga National Park. IUCN welcomes this decision and calls on all oil and gas companies to follow suit.
This guide to Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry (ILCF) is an outcome of the Growing Forest Partnerships initiative that engaged The Forests Dialogue to co-ordinate 11 wideranging dialogues involving investors, rights-holders, governments, donors and others on this topic. It is primarily a…
As part of his latest conservation initiative, The Duke of Cambridge brings together an unprecedented collaboration between the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, and seven of the world’s most influential conservation organizations, including IUCN.
This popular video is now available in six languages. Screen it at your next event and start people talking about how to 'communicate biodiversity'.