A multi-stakeholder regional dialogue among governmental bodies, civil society organizations, academics, and private sector with the aim to collaboratively identify and scale up innovative, sustainable pasture management practices and strategies in Central Asia, thereby contributing to the 3 Rio…
Montreal, Canada, 12 December 2022 (IUCN) – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has today published its first Restoration Barometer report, documenting that…
Gland, Switzerland, 01 March 2021 (IUCN) – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) today published its Global Typology of Ecosystems, the first-…
Water, ecosystems and human development is the leading theme of this year’s World Water Week. The annual conference on water is held in Stockholm, Sweden from 26 to 31 August and gathers scientists, business leaders, policy makers and water managers to convene and…
A recently released IUCN technical brief recommends increasing investments in sustainable land management practices, as well as better cooperation between agriculturalists and conservationists to conserve healthy soils.
Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Chinese Pufferfish, American Eel, Chinese Cobra and an Australian butterfly are threatened with extinction
A new global standard in assessing environmental risk, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, has been trialled on 20 ecosystems spanning six continents and three oceans.
From Australia to Patagonia, from coral reefs to rainforests and deserts, the new IUCN Red List of Ecosystems will assess the status of ecosystems worldwide, to identify their risks and the potential impact on both ecosystems and human wellbeing.
Gland, Switzerland, 9th June, 2011 (IUCN) – Africa is being given a unique opportunity to conserve its tremendous diversity of freshwater species – a critical resource for many of Africa’s poorest people. African countries can now decide to use their water resources sustainably, and avoid paying…
The world’s forests are essential to life in all its diversity and to attaining humanity’s biggest goals such as reducing poverty, curbing climate change and achieving sustainable development. Throughout 2011 IUCN will work towards making sure that forests deliver their maximum potential for…