As part of the Great Blue Wall initiative, designed to accelerate ocean conservation and regenerative economic development in the Western Indian Ocean, IUCN and Blue Forest Company used the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon to announce a new blue carbon partnership, with work beginning in Mozambique…
In November 2018, IUCN co-chaired a roundtable on Marine Plastic Pollution: A global issue with national and local solutions at the PEMSEA East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress held in Iloilo, the Philippines.
Along with over 18,000 participants from 180 countries representing government institutions, national agencies, academia and research, private sector, students, and plastic sector actors, IUCN joined the Sustainable Blue…
A lot can change in a short time in this information age – so too for conservation. Following successes strengthening governance in Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago National Park which was supported by an SOS grant 2011-2013, the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s (EWT) strategy has developed further…
According to the United Nations, World Oceans Day is about a healthy planet being based on healthy oceans – so true and in so many ways! The ecological pressures on Earth’s oceans are as diverse and daunting as the storms that can roll across its blue horizons. But there is hope rolling in the…
Even after long years of nesting monitoring, there are still things that surprise us all. For the first time on Vamizi Island in Mozambique, on the turtle monitoring project that started over 10 years ago, four albino green turtle hatchlings were found on the island's most successful nesting…
Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Chinese Pufferfish, American Eel, Chinese Cobra and an Australian butterfly are threatened with extinction
Reaching October without a single Dugong mortality is something we need to shout about according to SOS Grantee Karen Allen from IUCN Member, Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT).
Learn more about SOS – Save Our Species at a celebration on resource mobilisation with colleagues also from the CBD, CEPF and LifeWeb at the Rio Convention Pavilion Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 18:30– 20:00.
Oil and gas company Total has confirmed that it will not carry out extractive operations within natural World Heritage sites, including Virunga National Park. IUCN welcomes this decision and calls on all oil and gas companies to follow suit.