BRIDGE promotes cooperation and water diplomacy in the 9 transboundary basins between Ecuador and Peru, and in the Titicaca basin, shared between Bolivia and Peru.
The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Caprinae Specialist Group (CSG) evaluated the effects of inclusion of local people in the conservation of Golestan National Park, Iran. Community based conservation is identified as a key strategy leading to positive ecological outcomes.
Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) play a critical role in the effective management of natural marine resources.
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) involve working with nature to address societal challenges and provide benefits for people and biodiversity.
In Muinde, the Locally Empowered Area Protection (LEAP) Project, initiated in 2019, has revitalized marine biodiversity and transformed the community. Engaging local fishermen, including 38% women, and designating 569 hectares of marine reserves, the project has led to the return of abundant…
This second edition of The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa builds on the first edition published in 2020 and provides updates on how the region is managing and governing protected and conserved areas, effectively providing a regional update on the progress…
The ReSea Project aims to support coastal communities in building resilience to climate change. The initiative focuses on sustainable development and conservation across Mozambique and the Western Indian Ocean region.
In order to cope with the effects of climate change, the districts of Mabote, Govuro, Inhassoro and Vilankulos, in Inhambane Province, will benefit from the Community-Based Adaptation Project (CBA SCALE+) which aims to strengthen the resilience of local communities, with an emphasis on…