This second edition of The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa builds on the first edition published in 2020 and provides updates on how the region is managing and governing protected and conserved areas, effectively providing a regional update on the progress…
The SADC TFCA Financing Facility (TFCA FF) is a regional fund established to provide sustainable funding for conservation and management actions in Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Facility is managed by IUCN – Eastern and…
The TABE'A II report is a second more detailed analysis of the Arab region's World Heritage Programme based on the baseline established in the first report from 2011, as well as of the progress achieved since then.
A book illustrating the conservation status of thousands of plants and animals in the countries of the South African Development Community.
PANORAMA is a partnership initiative to facilitate learning from success in conservation. It promotes examples of inspiring solutions that showcase how nature conservation can benefit society. PANORAMA enables the wider application of such solutions through cross-sectoral global learning and…
This book describes how the four-year GEF-funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” was instrumental in developing ways of limiting the severe ecological, social and economic impacts in different parts of Africa of a number of particularly devastating alien plant…
This report brings together a broad range of new and existing information on 2,358 plant and animal species of the Albertine Rift (AR) region of East and Central Africa. A collaborative project assessed the climate change vulnerability of all known Albertine Rift mammals, birds, reptiles,…
This important book explains in a clear, concise and very readable exposition, how economic incentives can be applied to creative approaches to conservation which complement development efforts.
This booklet describes some of the plants present in and around Lake Tanganyika that can affect its environment and biodiversity. There are many such plants and there will be more, but this small volume is a starting handbook to invasive plant recognition, understanding and management. It…
With climate change now a certainty, the question is now how much change there will be and what can be done about it. One of the answers is through adaptation. Many of the lessons that are being learned in adaptation are from success stories from the field. This publication contains eleven case…