Each year, on 2 February, the world celebrates World Wetlands Day, to recognise the vital role wetlands play for both nature and people. Wetlands support diverse biodiversity by offering a range of habitats for aquatic, terrestrial, and migratory species, including birds, amphibians, fish,…
In 2024, Ecuador’s Ministry of Environment and Ecological Transition officially recognized the Río Anzu Reserve, managed by the EcoMinga Foundation, as its first OECM (Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measure, OMEC in spanish). This designation acknowledges the…
IUCN is a core partner to the Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the development of the new Vjosa Wild River National Park.
IUCN WCPA is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Margaret Kinnaird as the new Editor of the PARKS Journal.
A new report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s World Commission on Protected Areas and World Wildlife Fund offers guidance and case studies on implementing and managing efforts to conserve land, water, and coastal and marine areas to further the goals of the 2022 Kunming-…
With financial support from the European Commission, IUCN has launched a new project aimed at identifying Environmental Harmful Subsidies (EHS) and improving biodiversity financing in Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. This project comes at a countries’ request but also as a…
In April of 2024, in the furthest reaches of Chilean Patagonia and on the least trodden corners of the continent’s largest glacier, we found a dragon. It was hiding down a deep, blue crevasse, a few centimetres below my tiring feet. My heart stopped.
The Heritage in Young Hands (HIYH) annual meeting took place today at the National Trust of Fiji (NTF) Conference Room. Partners and donors, including the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Kiwa Initiative, World Wildlife Fund Pacific, University of the South Pacific,…
A decade has passed since the 6th IUCN World Parks Congress convened in Sydney, Australia, in November 2014. This Congress united conservationists, environmental donors, policymakers, Indigenous leaders, businesses, and key global stakeholders to enhance the status and impact of protected and…