Carleton was decades ahead of the times. Today we pursue his concepts repackaged in different terminology.
"We must avoid the careless and tragic exploitation of the sea which we have not avoided in the case of the land...Some of the richest areas should be set aside...…
The launch of Building Resilience of Coastal Ecological and Social Systems of Pakistan project, funded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation took place on September 1, 2023 in Karachi. The inception event drew representation from the government line departments, coastal agencies, Pakistan…
Experts Underscore Need for more Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan The 22nd meeting of the National Coordinating Body (NCB) of the coast was organized by IUCN Pakistan to discuss issues and depleting coastal resources, especially in the wake of climatic impacts, calling for the need to create…
Gland, Switzerland, 6 December 2021 (IUCN) - A new assessment of the coral reefs of the Western Indian Ocean shows that they are all at high risk of collapse within the next five decades. Ocean warming and overfishing were identified as the main threats.
Gland, Switzerland, 01 March 2021 (IUCN) – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) today published its Global Typology of Ecosystems, the first-…
Research offers guidance on making mangrove conservation investments more sustainable and impactful
Water, ecosystems and human development is the leading theme of this year’s World Water Week. The annual conference on water is held in Stockholm, Sweden from 26 to 31 August and gathers scientists, business leaders, policy makers and water managers to…
There is an urgent need to address the global degradation of coastal ecosystems, but are mass mangrove planting initiatives sustainable?
Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Chinese Pufferfish, American Eel, Chinese Cobra and an Australian butterfly are threatened with extinction
The lives of Bangladesh's fishermen and its coastal cetaceans are intertwined. Regarded as their brethren at sea, fishermen often lament the death of these top predators through entanglement in gillnets. Finding mutually beneficial solutions, Brian Smith and colleague Rubaiyat Mowgli Mansur,…