From: Subject: CITES conference to impact music, food and jewelry industry - IUCN News Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:51:17 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00A0_01C9199E.0181A2D0" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3350 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00A0_01C9199E.0181A2D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: CITES conference to impact music, food and jewelry = industry - IUCN News ------=_NextPart_000_00A0_01C9199E.0181A2D0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location: R0lGODlhAQABAJH/AP///wAAAMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAABAAEAAAICVAEAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_00A0_01C9199E.0181A2D0 Content-Type: image/gif Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location:
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For immediate release =
CITES conference to impact music, food and = jewelry=20 industry
Wood species used = for violin=20 bows, shark species featured in British fish and chip meals = and=20 coral species exploited for jewelry rank high on the CITES=20 conference agenda for international trade controls in = endangered=20 species, opening on Sunday

Gland, Switzerland, 1 June 2007 = (IUCN)=20 - Commercially valuable species will take the = centre stage=20 of the upcoming Convention on International Trade in = Endangered=20 Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), starting on Sunday = 3 June=20 in The Hague. The decisions by the Parties to the Convention = may=20 limit the amount of spiny dogfish available for British fish = and=20 chips, the wild wood species Pau Brazil available for violin = bows,=20 and the red and pink corals used for necklaces fetching up = to US$=20 25,000 per piece. Spiny Dogfish and Paul Brazil are = classified as=20 threatened with extinction on the IUCN Red List of = Threatened=20 Species, with over-harvesting being the main threat to their = survival.

=93These proposals on lucrative marine and timber = species mark=20 a shift from purelycommercial interests to = recognizing=20 conservation concerns. With growing recognition that = resources are=20 decreasing, the big fish and timber industries are faced = with=20 including conservation concerns in their = calculations,=94 says=20 Dr. Sue Mainka, Head of the delegation of the World=20 Conservation Union (IUCN) to the CITES = conference.

Other commercially valuable marine and timber species = proposed=20 for CITES trade regulations are the porbeagle shark, = European eel,=20 and rosewood and cedar trees.

Spiny dogfish
The Spiny Dogfish, a = naturally=20 abundant migratory shark in temperate seas around the world, = has=20 been severely depleted by fisheries driven by persistent = demand for=20 its meat, primarily in Europe. Spiny Dogfish is used for = fish and=20 chips in the UK, less expensive versions of Chinese shark = fin soup,=20 and also as fertilizer, liver oil and pet food.

The shark species is particularly vulnerable to over = exploitation=20 due to its slow growth rates (2.7-3.3 mm per year), long = life span=20 (50-100 years) and slow reproduction rate (females mature = after=20 12-23 years, giving birth to an average of six pups after a = 24=20 months gestation period). Fisheries target large pregnant = females as=20 the most valuable part of the stock. Spiny Dogfish is listed = as=20 Globally Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened = Species.

Germany, on behalf of the European Union, proposes to = include the=20 Spiny Dogfish in Appendix II of the CITES Convention.

=93Regulating the international trade in spiny = dogfish is one=20 measure that countries could consider to help this = threatened=20 species recover,=94 says Sarah Fowler, co-chair = of the=20 IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group.=20

Pau Brazil
Pau = Brazil, a=20 slow growing wood species with striking blood-red heartwood = endemic=20 to Brazil, has been heavily exploited for over 500 years. = Initially=20 used as a source of dye, it is now being harvested for = manufacturing=20 professional bows for violins, violas, cellos and = double-bases. A=20 single violin bow is estimated to cost up to US$ 5,000, = using 1 kg=20 of wood.
International trade and habitat loss have = severely=20 depleted this species, which is now restricted to the = Brazilian=20 Atlantic Coastal Forest, a forest area now covering less = than 8% of=20 its original extent. Pau Brazil is listed as Endangered on = the IUCN=20 Red List of Threatened Species.

Brazil=92s proposal to include Pau Brazil in Appendix II = of the=20 CITES Convention would mean that all its derivates including = musical=20 instruments would become subject to CITES regulation, = requiring=20 musicians or orchestras to travel with CITES permits when = they go on=20 trips abroad.

=93This beautiful timber is valued and used = worldwide. No=20 comparable substitute is known for the making of bows for = string=20 instruments and therefore demand is likely to remain high=20 internationally,=94 says Jane Smart, Head of = the IUCN=20 Species Programme.

Red and pink coral
Red and pink = corals,=20 including about 31 species of coral across the globe, have = been used=20 for thousands of years for the production of jewelry, = ornaments and=20 medicine. However, overexploitation of commercial = Mediterranean=20 stocks over the last 200 years has decreased harvests by two = thirds.=20 Most of the trade takes place between Mediterranean and = Pacific=20 countries producing red and pink coral and the United States = importing them. Processed beads of coral fetch up to US$50 = per gram.=20

Many red and pink corals are slow growing (0.2-2cm = per year)=20 and extremely long-lived (75-100 years), which make them=20 particularly vulnerable to over exploitation.

=93There are currently no internationally binding = conservation=20 measures for red and pink corals. A decision by governments = to=20 manage the international trade would be a first,=94 = says=20 Im=E8ne Meliane, IUCN Marine Programme = Officer. =20

The World Conservation Union, in collaboration with = TRAFFIC, has=20 compiled a sound scientific analysis of all upcoming CITES = proposals=20 for international trade controls. Based on the IUCN Red = List of=20 Threatened Species and its wide network of species and = species trade=20 experts, the =93Analyses of Proposals to Amend the = CITES=20 Appendices=94 provides the best trade and = conservation=20 information to countries, in order to make informed = decisions=20 possible.

Notes to=20 editors

A large IUCN expert delegation will be present at = the=20 CITES conference, covering all species under discussion. To = set up=20 interviews, please contact:

  • Carolin Wahnbaeck, IUCN Media = Relations=20 Officer, Tel: +41 22 999 0127; Fax: +41 22 999 0020;; Web: =

  • Andrew McMullin, IUCN Species = Programme=20 Communications Officer,; Mobile: +41 79 595 9942; (first = week of=20 CITES conference) Web:

  • Elroy Bos, IUCN Communications; = Mobile: +41=20 79 213 4670;
    (second week of CITES = conference); Web:=20 =20

IUCN Media Briefs:   

  • Pau Brazil: itescop14/pau_brasil.doc

  • Spiny Dogfish: e/citescop14/spiny_dogfish.doc 

  • Red and Pink Corals: de/citescop14/red_pink_coral.doc =20

The IUCN/TRAFFIC 'Analyses of Proposals to Amend = the=20 CITES Appendices': e/citescop14/cop14analyses.htm

IUCN information on CITES: tescop14/index_cites_2007.htm=20

About CITES:

  • The CITES Convention aims to ensure = that=20 international trade of endangered wild plants and animals = does not=20 threaten their survival. It is an international agreement = between=20 currently 171 governments.

  • Appendix I: International commercial = trade=20 for species listed under Appendix 1 is prohibited = entirely.=20 Appendix I lists species threatened with extinction. =

  • Appendix II: International trade in = species=20 listed under Appendix-II is limited: it may only be = authorized by=20 the granting of an export permit or re-export certificate. = Appendix II lists species that are not necessarily now = threatened=20 with extinction but that may become so unless trade is = closely=20 controlled.

Photos are available from: or

About the World Conservation Union = (IUCN)

Created in 1948, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) = brings=20 together 84 States, 108 government agencies, 800 plus NGOs, = and some=20 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a unique = worldwide partnership. The Union=92s mission is to = influence,=20 encourage and assist societies throughout the world to = conserve the=20 integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use = of=20 natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. =

The Union is the world's largest environmental knowledge = network=20 and has helped over 75 countries to prepare and implement = national=20 conservation and biodiversity strategies. The Union is a=20 multicultural, multilingual organization with 1,000 staff = located in=20 62 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland. =

More information can be found at

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}=0A= }=0A= return;=0A= }=0A= function _uVoid() { return; }=0A= function _uCInfo() {=0A= if (!_ucto || _ucto=3D=3D"") { _ucto=3D"15768000"; }=0A= if (!_uVG()) return;=0A= var = c=3D"",t=3D"-",t2=3D"-",t3=3D"-",o=3D0,cs=3D0,cn=3D0,i=3D0,z=3D"-",s=3D""= ;=0A= if (_uanchor && _udlh && _udlh!=3D"") s=3D_udlh+"&";=0A=;=0A= var x=3Dnew Date(_udt.getTime()+(_ucto*1000));=0A= var dc=3D_ubd.cookie;=0A= x=3D" expires=3D"+x.toGMTString()+";";=0A= if (_ulink && !_ubl) {=0A= z=3D_uUES(_uGC(s,"__utmz=3D","&"));=0A= if (z!=3D"-" && z.indexOf(";")=3D=3D-1) { = _ubd.cookie=3D"__utmz=3D"+z+"; path=3D"+_utcp+";"+x+_udo; return ""; }=0A= }=0A= z=3Ddc.indexOf("__utmz=3D"+_udh+".");=0A= if (z>-1) { z=3D_uGC(dc,"__utmz=3D"+_udh+".",";"); }=0A= else { z=3D"-"; }=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_ucid+"=3D","&");=0A= t2=3D_uGC(s,_ucsr+"=3D","&");=0A= t3=3D_uGC(s,"gclid=3D","&");=0A= if ((t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") || (t2!=3D"-" && t2!=3D"") || (t3!=3D"-" && = t3!=3D"")) {=0A= if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") c+=3D"utmcid=3D"+_uEC(t);=0A= if (t2!=3D"-" && t2!=3D"") { if (c !=3D "") c+=3D"|"; = c+=3D"utmcsr=3D"+_uEC(t2); }=0A= if (t3!=3D"-" && t3!=3D"") { if (c !=3D "") c+=3D"|"; = c+=3D"utmgclid=3D"+_uEC(t3); }=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_uccn+"=3D","&");=0A= if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") c+=3D"|utmccn=3D"+_uEC(t);=0A= else c+=3D"|utmccn=3D(not+set)";=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_ucmd+"=3D","&");=0A= if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") c+=3D"|utmcmd=3D"+_uEC(t);=0A= else c+=3D"|utmcmd=3D(not+set)";=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_uctr+"=3D","&");=0A= if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") c+=3D"|utmctr=3D"+_uEC(t);=0A= else { t=3D_uOrg(1); if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") = c+=3D"|utmctr=3D"+_uEC(t); }=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_ucct+"=3D","&");=0A= if (t!=3D"-" && t!=3D"") c+=3D"|utmcct=3D"+_uEC(t);=0A= t=3D_uGC(s,_ucno+"=3D","&");=0A= if (t=3D=3D"1") o=3D1;=0A= if (z!=3D"-" && o=3D=3D1) return "";=0A= }=0A= if (c=3D=3D"-" || c=3D=3D"") { c=3D_uOrg(); if (z!=3D"-" && = _ufno=3D=3D1) return ""; }=0A= if (c=3D=3D"-" || c=3D=3D"") { if (_ufns=3D=3D1) c=3D_uRef(); if = (z!=3D"-" && _ufno=3D=3D1) return ""; }=0A= if (c=3D=3D"-" || c=3D=3D"") {=0A= if (z=3D=3D"-" && _ufns=3D=3D1) { = c=3D"utmccn=3D(direct)|utmcsr=3D(direct)|utmcmd=3D(none)"; }=0A= if (c=3D=3D"-" || c=3D=3D"") return "";=0A= }=0A= if (z!=3D"-") {=0A= i=3Dz.indexOf(".");=0A= if (i>-1) i=3Dz.indexOf(".",i+1);=0A= if (i>-1) i=3Dz.indexOf(".",i+1);=0A= if (i>-1) i=3Dz.indexOf(".",i+1);=0A= t=3Dz.substring(i+1,z.length);=0A= if (t.toLowerCase()=3D=3Dc.toLowerCase()) cs=3D1;=0A= t=3Dz.substring(0,i);=0A= if ((i=3Dt.lastIndexOf(".")) > -1) {=0A= t=3Dt.substring(i+1,t.length);=0A= cn=3D(t*1);=0A= }=0A= }=0A= if (cs=3D=3D0 || _ufns=3D=3D1) {=0A= t=3D_uGC(dc,"__utma=3D"+_udh+".",";");=0A= if ((i=3Dt.lastIndexOf(".")) > 9) {=0A= _uns=3Dt.substring(i+1,t.length);=0A= _uns=3D(_uns*1);=0A= }=0A= cn++;=0A= if (_uns=3D=3D0) _uns=3D1;=0A= _ubd.cookie=3D"__utmz=3D"+_udh+"."+_ust+"."+_uns+"."+cn+"."+c+"; = path=3D"+_utcp+"; "+x+_udo;=0A= }=0A= if (cs=3D=3D0 || _ufns=3D=3D1) return "&utmcn=3D1";=0A= else return "&utmcr=3D1";=0A= }=0A= function _uRef() {=0A= if (_ur=3D=3D"0" || _ur=3D=3D"" || _ur=3D=3D"-") return "";=0A= var i=3D0,h,k,n;=0A= if ((i=3D_ur.indexOf("://"))<0 || _uGCse()) return "";=0A= h=3D_ur.substring(i+3,_ur.length);=0A= if (h.indexOf("/") > -1) {=0A= k=3Dh.substring(h.indexOf("/"),h.length);=0A= if (k.indexOf("?") > -1) k=3Dk.substring(0,k.indexOf("?"));=0A= h=3Dh.substring(0,h.indexOf("/"));=0A= }=0A= h=3Dh.toLowerCase();=0A= n=3Dh;=0A= if ((i=3Dn.indexOf(":")) > -1) n=3Dn.substring(0,i);=0A= for (var ii=3D0;ii<_uRno.length;ii++) {=0A= if ((i=3Dn.indexOf(_uRno[ii].toLowerCase())) > -1 && = n.length=3D=3D(i+_uRno[ii].length)) { _ufno=3D1; break; }=0A= }=0A= if (h.indexOf("www.")=3D=3D0) h=3Dh.substring(4,h.length);=0A= return = "utmccn=3D(referral)|utmcsr=3D"+_uEC(h)+"|"+"utmcct=3D"+_uEC(k)+"|utmcmd=3D= referral";=0A= }=0A= function _uOrg(t) {=0A= if (_ur=3D=3D"0" || _ur=3D=3D"" || _ur=3D=3D"-") return "";=0A= var i=3D0,h,k;=0A= if ((i=3D_ur.indexOf("://"))<0 || _uGCse()) return "";=0A= h=3D_ur.substring(i+3,_ur.length);=0A= if (h.indexOf("/") > -1) {=0A= h=3Dh.substring(0,h.indexOf("/"));=0A= }=0A= for (var ii=3D0;ii<_uOsr.length;ii++) {=0A= if (h.toLowerCase().indexOf(_uOsr[ii].toLowerCase()) > -1) {=0A= if ((i=3D_ur.indexOf("?"+_uOkw[ii]+"=3D")) > -1 || = (i=3D_ur.indexOf("&"+_uOkw[ii]+"=3D")) > -1) {=0A= k=3D_ur.substring(i+_uOkw[ii].length+2,_ur.length);=0A= if ((i=3Dk.indexOf("&")) > -1) k=3Dk.substring(0,i);=0A= for (var yy=3D0;yy<_uOno.length;yy++) {=0A= if (_uOno[yy].toLowerCase()=3D=3Dk.toLowerCase()) { _ufno=3D1; = break; }=0A= }=0A= if (t) return _uEC(k);=0A= else return = "utmccn=3D(organic)|utmcsr=3D"+_uEC(_uOsr[ii])+"|"+"utmctr=3D"+_uEC(k)+"|= utmcmd=3Dorganic";=0A= }=0A= }=0A= }=0A= return "";=0A= }=0A= function _uGCse() {=0A= var h,p;=0A= h=3Dp=3D_ur.split("://")[1];=0A= if(h.indexOf("/")>-1) {=0A= h=3Dh.split("/")[0];=0A= p=3Dp.substring(p.indexOf("/")+1,p.length);=0A= }=0A= if(p.indexOf("?")>-1) {=0A= p=3Dp.split("?")[0];=0A= }=0A= if(h.toLowerCase().indexOf("google")>-1) {=0A= if(_ur.indexOf("?q=3D")>-1 || _ur.indexOf("&q=3D")>-1) {=0A= if (p.toLowerCase().indexOf("cse")>-1) {=0A= return true;=0A= }=0A= }=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uBInfo() {=0A= var sr=3D"-",sc=3D"-",ul=3D"-",fl=3D"-",cs=3D"-",je=3D1;=0A= var n=3Dnavigator;=0A= if (self.screen) {=0A= sr=3Dscreen.width+"x"+screen.height;=0A= sc=3Dscreen.colorDepth+"-bit";=0A= } else if ( {=0A= var j=3Djava.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();=0A= var s=3Dj.getScreenSize();=0A= sr=3Ds.width+"x"+s.height;=0A= }=0A= if (n.language) { ul=3Dn.language.toLowerCase(); }=0A= else if (n.browserLanguage) { ul=3Dn.browserLanguage.toLowerCase(); }=0A= je=3Dn.javaEnabled()?1:0;=0A= if (_uflash) fl=3D_uFlash();=0A= if (_ubd.characterSet) cs=3D_uES(_ubd.characterSet);=0A= else if (_ubd.charset) cs=3D_uES(_ubd.charset);=0A= return = "&utmcs=3D"+cs+"&utmsr=3D"+sr+"&utmsc=3D"+sc+"&utmul=3D"+ul+"&utmje=3D"+j= e+"&utmfl=3D"+fl;=0A= }=0A= function __utmSetTrans() {=0A= var e;=0A= if (_ubd.getElementById) e=3D_ubd.getElementById("utmtrans");=0A= else if (_ubd.utmform && _ubd.utmform.utmtrans) = e=3D_ubd.utmform.utmtrans;=0A= if (!e) return;=0A= var l=3De.value.split("UTM:");=0A= var i,i2,c;=0A= if (_userv=3D=3D0 || _userv=3D=3D2) i=3Dnew Array();=0A= if (_userv=3D=3D1 || _userv=3D=3D2) { i2=3Dnew Array(); c=3D_uGCS(); }=0A= =0A= for (var ii=3D0;ii-1) return;=0A= if (h) { url=3Dl+"#"+p; }=0A= else {=0A= if (iq=3D=3D-1 && ih=3D=3D-1) url=3Dl+"?"+p;=0A= else if (ih=3D=3D-1) url=3Dl+"&"+p;=0A= else if (iq=3D=3D-1) url=3Dl.substring(0,ih-1)+"?"+p+l.substring(ih);=0A= else url=3Dl.substring(0,ih-1)+"&"+p+l.substring(ih);=0A= }=0A= }=0A= return url;=0A= }=0A= function __utmLinker(l,h) {=0A= if (!_ulink || !l || l=3D=3D"") return;=0A= _udl.href=3D__utmLinkerUrl(l,h);=0A= }=0A= function __utmLinkPost(f,h) {=0A= if (!_ulink || !f || !f.action) return;=0A= f.action=3D__utmLinkerUrl(f.action, h);=0A= return;=0A= }=0A= function __utmSetVar(v) {=0A= if (!v || v=3D=3D"") return;=0A= if (!_udo || _udo =3D=3D "") {=0A= _udh=3D_uDomain();=0A= if (_udn && _udn!=3D"") { _udo=3D" domain=3D"+_udn+";"; }=0A= }=0A= if (!_uVG()) return;=0A= var r=3DMath.round(Math.random() * 2147483647);=0A= _ubd.cookie=3D"__utmv=3D"+_udh+"."+_uES(v)+"; path=3D"+_utcp+"; = expires=3D"+_uNx()+";"+_udo;=0A= var s=3D"&utmt=3Dvar&utmn=3D"+r;=0A= if (_usample && _usample !=3D 100) s+=3D"&utmsp=3D"+_uES(_usample);=0A= if ((_userv=3D=3D0 || _userv=3D=3D2) && _uSP()) {=0A= var i=3Dnew Image(1,1);=0A= i.src=3D_ugifpath+"?"+"utmwv=3D"+_uwv+s;=0A= i.onload=3Dfunction() { _uVoid(); }=0A= }=0A= if ((_userv=3D=3D1 || _userv=3D=3D2) && _uSP()) {=0A= var i2=3Dnew Image(1,1);=0A= = i2.src=3D_ugifpath2+"?"+"utmwv=3D"+_uwv+s+"&utmac=3D"+_uacct+"&utmcc=3D"+= _uGCS();=0A= i2.onload=3Dfunction() { _uVoid(); }=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uGCS() {=0A= var t,c=3D"",dc=3D_ubd.cookie;=0A= if ((t=3D_uGC(dc,"__utma=3D"+_udh+".",";"))!=3D"-") = c+=3D_uES("__utma=3D"+t+";+");=0A= if ((t=3D_uGC(dc,"__utmx=3D"+_udh,";"))!=3D"-") = c+=3D_uES("__utmx=3D"+t+";+");=0A= if ((t=3D_uGC(dc,"__utmz=3D"+_udh+".",";"))!=3D"-") = c+=3D_uES("__utmz=3D"+t+";+");=0A= if ((t=3D_uGC(dc,"__utmv=3D"+_udh+".",";"))!=3D"-") = c+=3D_uES("__utmv=3D"+t+";");=0A= if (c.charAt(c.length-1)=3D=3D"+") c=3Dc.substring(0,c.length-1);=0A= return c;=0A= }=0A= function _uGC(l,n,s) {=0A= if (!l || l=3D=3D"" || !n || n=3D=3D"" || !s || s=3D=3D"") return "-";=0A= var i,i2,i3,c=3D"-";=0A= i=3Dl.indexOf(n);=0A= i3=3Dn.indexOf("=3D")+1;=0A= if (i > -1) {=0A= i2=3Dl.indexOf(s,i); if (i2 < 0) { i2=3Dl.length; }=0A= c=3Dl.substring((i+i3),i2);=0A= }=0A= return c;=0A= }=0A= function _uDomain() {=0A= if (!_udn || _udn=3D=3D"" || _udn=3D=3D"none") { _udn=3D""; return 1; }=0A= if (_udn=3D=3D"auto") {=0A= var d=3D_ubd.domain;=0A= if (d.substring(0,4)=3D=3D"www.") {=0A= d=3Dd.substring(4,d.length);=0A= }=0A= _udn=3Dd;=0A= }=0A= _udn =3D _udn.toLowerCase(); =0A= if (_uhash=3D=3D"off") return 1;=0A= return _uHash(_udn);=0A= }=0A= function _uHash(d) {=0A= if (!d || d=3D=3D"") return 1;=0A= var h=3D0,g=3D0;=0A= for (var i=3Dd.length-1;i>=3D0;i--) {=0A= var c=3DparseInt(d.charCodeAt(i));=0A= h=3D((h << 6) & 0xfffffff) + c + (c << 14);=0A= if ((g=3Dh & 0xfe00000)!=3D0) h=3D(h ^ (g >> 21));=0A= }=0A= return h;=0A= }=0A= function _uFixA(c,s,t) {=0A= if (!c || c=3D=3D"" || !s || s=3D=3D"" || !t || t=3D=3D"") return "-";=0A= var a=3D_uGC(c,"__utma=3D"+_udh+".",s);=0A= var lt=3D0,i=3D0;=0A= if ((i=3Da.lastIndexOf(".")) > 9) {=0A= _uns=3Da.substring(i+1,a.length);=0A= _uns=3D(_uns*1)+1;=0A= a=3Da.substring(0,i);=0A= if ((i=3Da.lastIndexOf(".")) > 7) {=0A= lt=3Da.substring(i+1,a.length);=0A= a=3Da.substring(0,i);=0A= }=0A= if ((i=3Da.lastIndexOf(".")) > 5) {=0A= a=3Da.substring(0,i);=0A= }=0A= a+=3D"."+lt+"."+t+"."+_uns;=0A= }=0A= return a;=0A= }=0A= function _uTrim(s) {=0A= if (!s || s=3D=3D"") return "";=0A= while ((s.charAt(0)=3D=3D' ') || (s.charAt(0)=3D=3D'\n') || = (s.charAt(0,1)=3D=3D'\r')) s=3Ds.substring(1,s.length);=0A= while ((s.charAt(s.length-1)=3D=3D' ') || = (s.charAt(s.length-1)=3D=3D'\n') || (s.charAt(s.length-1)=3D=3D'\r')) = s=3Ds.substring(0,s.length-1);=0A= return s;=0A= }=0A= function _uEC(s) {=0A= var n=3D"";=0A= if (!s || s=3D=3D"") return "";=0A= for (var i=3D0;i0) r=3Da.substring(i+1,i2); else return = ""; =0A= if ((i=3Da.indexOf(".",i2+1))>0) t=3Da.substring(i2+1,i); else return = ""; =0A= if (f) {=0A= return r;=0A= } else {=0A= var c=3Dnew = Array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','P','R','S','T'= ,'U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');=0A= return = c[r>>28&m]+c[r>>23&m]+c[r>>18&m]+c[r>>13&m]+"-"+c[r>>8&m]+c[r>>3&m]+c[((r= &7)<<2)+(t>>30&3)]+c[t>>25&m]+c[t>>20&m]+"-"+c[t>>15&m]+c[t>>10&m]+c[t>>5= &m]+c[t&m];=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uIN(n) {=0A= if (!n) return false;=0A= for (var i=3D0;i"9") && (c!=3D".")) return false;=0A= }=0A= return true;=0A= }=0A= function _uES(s,u) {=0A= if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) =3D=3D 'function') {=0A= if (u) return encodeURI(s);=0A= else return encodeURIComponent(s);=0A= } else {=0A= return escape(s);=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uUES(s) {=0A= if (typeof(decodeURIComponent) =3D=3D 'function') {=0A= return decodeURIComponent(s);=0A= } else {=0A= return unescape(s);=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uVG() {=0A= if((_udn.indexOf("") =3D=3D 0 || _udn.indexOf(".google.") = =3D=3D 0 || _udn.indexOf("google.") =3D=3D 0) && _utcp=3D=3D'/' && = _udn.indexOf("")=3D=3D-1) {=0A= return false;=0A= }=0A= return true;=0A= }=0A= function _uSP() {=0A= var s=3D100;=0A= if (_usample) s=3D_usample;=0A= if(s>=3D100 || s<=3D0) return true;=0A= return ((__utmVisitorCode(1)%10000)<(s*100));=0A= }=0A= function urchinPathCopy(p){=0A= var d=3Ddocument,nx,tx,sx,i,c,cs,t,h,o;=0A= cs=3Dnew Array("a","b","c","v","x","z");=0A= h=3D_uDomain(); if (_udn && _udn!=3D"") o=3D" domain=3D"+_udn+";";=0A= nx=3D_uNx()+";";=0A= tx=3Dnew Date(); tx.setTime(tx.getTime()+(_utimeout*1000));=0A= tx=3Dtx.toGMTString()+";";=0A= sx=3Dnew Date(); sx.setTime(sx.getTime()+(_ucto*1000));=0A= sx=3Dsx.toGMTString()+";";=0A= for (i=3D0;i<6;i++){=0A= t=3D" expires=3D";=0A= if (i=3D=3D1) t+=3Dtx; else if (i=3D=3D2) t=3D""; else if (i=3D=3D5) = t+=3Dsx; else t+=3Dnx;=0A= c=3D_uGC(d.cookie,"__utm"+cs[i]+"=3D"+h,";");=0A= if (c!=3D"-") d.cookie=3D"__utm"+cs[i]+"=3D"+c+"; path=3D"+p+";"+t+o;=0A= }=0A= }=0A= function _uCO() {=0A= if (!_utk || _utk=3D=3D"" || _utk.length<10) return;=0A= var d=3D'';=0A= if (_utk.charAt(0)=3D=3D'!') d=3D'';=0A= _ubd.cookie=3D"GASO=3D"+_utk+"; path=3D"+_utcp+";"+_udo;=0A= var sc=3Ddocument.createElement('script');=0A= sc.type=3D'text/javascript';=0A="_gasojs";=0A= = sc.src=3D'https://'+d+'/analytics/reporting/overlay_js?gaso=3D'+_utk+'&'+= Math.random();=0A= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(sc); =0A= }=0A= function _uGT() {=0A= var h=3Dlocation.hash, a;=0A= if (h && h!=3D"" && h.indexOf("#gaso=3D")=3D=3D0) {=0A= a=3D_uGC(h,"gaso=3D","&");=0A= } else {=0A= a=3D_uGC(_ubd.cookie,"GASO=3D",";");=0A= }=0A= return a;=0A= }=0A= var _utk=3D_uGT();=0A= if (_utk && _utk!=3D"" && _utk.length>10 && _utk.indexOf("=3D")=3D=3D-1) = {=0A= if (window.addEventListener) {=0A= window.addEventListener('load', _uCO, false); =0A= } else if (window.attachEvent) { =0A= window.attachEvent('onload', _uCO);=0A= }=0A= }=0A= =0A= function _uNx() {=0A= return (new Date((new Date()).getTime()+63072000000)).toGMTString();=0A= }=0A= ------=_NextPart_000_00A0_01C9199E.0181A2D0--