With 26 case studies from 10 multinational companies, this publication highlights their positive actions, interventions and initiatives contributing to specific conservation and restoration goals. The concrete examples illustrate a pivotal part of their work which have direct impacts on…
Nature (covering the water, biodiversity, soil/land, and air/climate realms) continues to decline with significant negative impacts on society. Businesses need to understand their impacts and dependencies on nature, manage their nature-related risks and embed the value of nature into their…
The Synthesis report provides a high-level overview of the main themes addressed in the Guidelines on mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development, published in 2021. The Guidelines aim to provide practical support for solar and wind energy devel-opments to…
These guidelines offer an approach for developing a corporate-level biodiversity strategic plan, including measurable goals and objectives and a set of core linked indicators, that will allow companies to measure their biodiversity performance across their operations. The Guidelines can be used…
China’s Yangtze river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), was declared likely to be extinct in 2006, due to threats in the wild such as habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear and ship strikes, which were not effectively dealt with using the management tools available prior to that time. Mexico’s…
The main goal of this Explanatory Guide is to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological…
These guidelines were drafted by the Re-introduction Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission, and approved by the 41st Meeting of IUCN Council in May 1995. The definition of "re-introduction" is "an attempt to establish a species in an area which was once part of its historical range…
The aims of the workshop were to enhance individual and institutional capacity to : address the environmental aspects of trade issues that will arise as a result of Chinas WTO membership; participate in WTO negotiations and develop proactive positions in the WTO; implement the Convention on…