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Story 07 سبتمبر, 2021

Looking to the future: A new work plan for IUCN Europe

Today, to coincide with the World Conservation Congress in Marseille, the IUCN European office released its new work plan for the upcoming 4 years. 

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Photo: Ines Álvarez Fdez on Unsplash

The European Work Plan is IUCN’s response to the environmental crises which the world is facing. Developed with the Commissions, Members and the Secretariat, the European Work Plan reflects not only the actions foreseen in the European region, but also the influence that this region can have in the rest of the world. It is also Europe’s contribution to the wider global IUCN Nature 2030 Programme

The Union’s main focus will be on convening and consensus building with public and private stakeholders, knowledge products such as the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions or the IUCN Red Lists, and the policy context, including the implementation of the EU Green Deal and the external influence of the European region. In this context, Nature-based Solutions are a perfect example of a tool to be mainstreamed in all our areas of work, to provide benefits for people, the planet and the economy. Through a number of areas of work, we will pursue the sustainable use of land and its restoration, the integrating of nature in cities, a reshaping of our economy and future healthy oceans, and tackling climate change. 

The work plan will guide action and strengthen collaboration between IUCN Members, Commissions and National Committees in the region, as well as between IUCN Secretariat offices and the related programmes, especially the IUCN Mediterranean Cooperation Centre in Málaga and the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Office. The Work Plan will underpin our work to ensure a just transition to a more sustainable world which puts our planet on the path to recovery.