Dr. Hayley Lanier is an Assistant Professor of Biology and Assistant Curator of Mammalogy at the University of Oklahoma, USA, where her research group focuses on using museum collections and genomic ...
Grupo de Comisión de la UICN
Grupo especialista en lagomorfos de la CSE de la UICN
Resumen y descripción
Los lagomorfos (conejos, liebres y pikas) son componentes críticos de los ecosistemas sanos. El Grupo especialista en lagomorfos de la CSE de la UICN promueve la conservación y la gestión sostenible ...
Liderazgo de grupo
Dr Hayley LANIER
Dr. Hayley Lanier is an Assistant Professor of Biology and Assistant Curator of Mammalogy at the University of Oklahoma, USA, where her research group focuses on using museum collections and genomic approaches to understand biological change during the Anthropocene, including the conservation of Lagomorphs. Much of her work focuses on Nearctic mammals, particularly arctic and alpine adapted species (such as pikas and marmots). She has been co-Chair of the Lagomorph Specialist Group since 2016 and has been leading the SSC Data Reporting efforts for the group since 2018.