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GEF and GCF implementation

IUCN’s multilateral partners enable us to catalyse innovation and investments at scale, develop and enhance partnerships and leverage our tools, knowledge and flagship initiatives.

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

IUCN, through its status as a Project Agency for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has been entrusted to mobilise significant sources of funding and to use its global network of Members and experts to put this funding to greatest effect.

Learn more about our work as a GEF Agency


Green Climate Fund (GCF)

IUCN has been an Accredited Entity of the Green Climate Fund since March 2016. IUCN projects deliver nature-based solutions as a way to address, and solve climate change issues, with a specific focus on ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation through its interventions in the forest, coastal and marine sectors, the management and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems and by integrating a gender perspective based on IUCN expertise.

Learn about our work with the GCF

Safeguards and disclosure

All IUCN GEF and GCF funded projects follow the IUCN standards to ensure the projects avoid or minimise negative impacts to the extent possible while promoting positive impacts. Details on funding and donor accountability for IUCN projects are in the IUCN Open Project Portal.