Article | 14 Nov, 2010

Ecosystem services for China’s wealth

IUCN Director General Julia Marton-Lefevre visited Beijing last week to attend the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environmental and Development (CCICED). At the meeting’s open forum, she gave a speech on “The Value of Nature for China’s Green Development”.

The Director General suggested that Ecosystem services can generate substantial wealth for China’s economy. Her speech focused on how China stands to benefit from wise management of its natural assets, and how these assets can make a significant contribution to the country’s development. She stresses that maintaining biodiversity is a crucial pillar of the green development of modern China. Ecosystem‐based adaptation recognizes the many services nature provides for free and aims to strengthen them in order to build long‐term, cost‐effective resilience to climate change. She presented some ways natural assets can be mainstreamed into major sectors of China’s economy. Please visit the link to read the full speech.