Article | 16 Juil, 2012

Protected Landscapes and Wild Biodiversity

Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes Series No. 3

Editors Nigel Dudley and Sue Stolton

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Photo: IUCN

Are Snowdonia and other similar protected areas with long-term and intensive human interactions an anachronism or a new model? In the past, conservationists have disagreed and this book is an attempt to look at some of the critical questions that have emerged in the last decade about the nature of protected areas, and nature inside protected areas. In particular, it examines whether ‘softer’ and more inclusive forms of protected areas, such as ‘protected land- and seascapes’ (category V in IUCN nomenclature), can be an effective tool for biodiversity conservation, and if so when they are likely to be most effective. While the two earlier volumes in this series looked at the way that these particular types of protected area support first agrobiodiversity and then cultural and spiritual values, this third volume investigates the value of wild biodiversity protected in category V areas. It begins what will hopefully be an ongoing process to investigate wild biodiversity within these management approaches and to analyse the scientific and conservation values of these areas in more depth.