Article | 04 Aoû, 2016

Motions that specifically mention CEESP, including requests for action by CEESP

By Richard Cellarius (CEESP Deputy Chair)

I have done a survey of the Motions to be considered by the IUCN 2016 World Conservation Congress Members Assembly that mention CEESP or Commissions generally. The texts indicated by the links below are to the revised text prepared following the two-month on-line discussion of the motions as originally submitted by IUCN Members including at least 5 co-sponsors. These texts have been submitted to the Motions Working Group, which will decide which motions will be submitted to an on-line vote of the Members and which will be submitted to the Members Assembly for further discussion. Those motions indicated by an asterisk (*) at the end of the title will automatically be sent to the Members Assembly. Note: if the links to the motion text do not work, the motion can be accessed at, where xxx is the three digit number for the motion.

A list of Motions that specifically mention CEESP, including requests for action by CEESP

034 - Recognising cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected and conserved areas

066 - Mitigating the impacts of oil palm expansion and operations on biodiversity * (this motion received extensive discussion on-line with participation of TSEAPRISE members; it is scheduled for further discussion at the Congress)

080 - Enabling the Whakatane Mechanism to contribute to conservation through securing communities’ rights

083 - Affirmation of the role of indigenous cultures in global conservation efforts

088 - System of categories for indigenous collective management areas in Central America

097 - Safeguarding indigenous lands, territories and resources from unsustainable developments

Motions that appear to be relevant to CEESP without specific mention of CEESP:

001 - Identifying and archiving obsolete Resolutions and Recommendations to strengthen IUCN policy and to enhance implementation of IUCN Resolutions (participation in motions review is relevant to CEESP)

022 - Recognizing, understanding and enhancing the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in tackling the illegal wildlife trade crisis (directly relevant to CEESP and SULi)

026 - Protected areas and other areas important for biodiversity in relation to environmentally damaging industrial-scale activities and infrastructure development. * (No mention of Commissions per se, but this is directly relevant to SEAPRISE)

029 - Recognizing and respecting the territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) overlapped by protected areas (directly relevant to CEESP)

048 - Protection of primary forests, ancient forests and intact forest landscapes (relevant to CEESP’s role with indigenous Peoples and local Communities)

057 - Protecting the world’s greatest salmon fishery in Bristol Bay, Alaska from large-scale mining (relevant to TSEAPRISE and indigenous governance issues)

063 - Natural Capital * (there is a great interest in CEESP in the Natural Capital discussion)

064 - IUCN Policy on Biodiversity Offsets * (this motion adopts the policy—available at—which is relevant to the work of TSEAPRISE; the motion is scheduled for further discussion at the Congress, probably focusing on the policy text.)

071 - Community Based Natural Resource Management in the State of Hawai'i (relevant to CEESP’s programme of work, 2016-2020)

072 - Aloha+ Challenge Model for Sustainable Development (relevant to CEESP’s programme of work, 2016-2020)

073 - Strengthening business engagement in biodiversity (relevant to TSEAPRISE)

074 - Strengthening corporate biodiversity measurement, valuation and reporting (relevant to TSEAPRISE)

075 - Best practice for industrial-scale development projects (relevant to CEESP, particularly TSEAPRISE)

076 - Prevention, management and resolution of social conflict as a key requirement for conservation and management of ecosystems (may be relevant to TECS)

081 - Investments of development finance institutions: socio-environmental impacts and respect for rights (possible relevance to CEESP, particularly TEMTI and TSEAPRISE)

084 - Improving the means to fight environmental crime (possible relevance to SULi)

089 - Humanity's right to a healthy environment (General relevance to CEESP’s vision and mission)

095 - Development of IUCN policy on biodiversity conservation and synthetic biology (general relevance to CEESP and possibly TSEAPRISE)

General Mention of Commissions actions, not necessarily relevant to CEESP’s Mandate (included here for completeness):

004 - Conservation of the Helmeted Hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil)

007 - Closure of Domestic Markets for Elephant Ivory

009 - Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions (Panthera leo) and other predators and captive breeding for commercial, non-conservation purposes

010 - Combatting the illegal poisoning of wildlife

018 - Monitoring and management of unselective, unsustainable and unmonitored (UUU) fisheries

019 - Conservation measures for vultures, including banning the use of veterinary diclofenac

020 - Protection for the serranids and syngnathids occurring off the Spanish coasts

024 - Conservation of intertidal habitats and migratory waterbirds of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, especially the Yellow Sea, in a global context

025 - Strengthening the implementation of the Bern Convention for migratory bird species

028 - Incorporating urban dimensions of conservation into the work of IUCN

031 - Achieving representative systems of protected areas in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

036 - Transboundary cooperation and protected areas

037 - [Conservation of [private] [privately] protected areas] [Supporting the Voluntary Conservation of Private Lands]

042 - Protected areas as natural solutions to climate change

044 - Identifying Key Biodiversity Areas for safeguarding biodiversity

045 - Protection of biodiversity refuge areas in the Atlantic biogeographical region

049 - Advancing conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction *

054 - Ecological connectivity on the north coast of the Alboran Sea

055 - Declaration of Astola Island as a Marine Protected Area

059 - IUCN response to the Paris Climate Change Agreement

065 - Improving standards in ecotourism *

067 - The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: integration of conservation into development

069 - Strengthening cross-sector partnerships to recognise the contributions of nature to health, well-being and quality of life

077 - Defining Nature-based Solutions

090 - Phasing-out the use of lead ammunition [in wetlands] and replacing it with [non-lead] / [non-toxic] alternatives

093 - Connecting people with nature globally