Article | 15 Oct, 2016

Grantee Exchange meeting wraps up in Papua New Guinea

The last in a series of Grantee Exchange meetings for East Melanesia concluded on Friday in Port Moresby.

A group of civil society organizations came together to discuss progress in Papua New Guinea under the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The fund is investing $9 million over 8 years in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and the islands region of PNG.


Current recipients of the fund came together to share experiences, achievements and lessons learned since the investment began in 2013. The meeting was also attended by future potential grant recipients as well as other donors.

CEPF's Regional Implementation Team members set the scene by outlining the current status of grants awarded in PNG and current grantees presented on the major achievements resulting from their CEPF-funded work. Networking and partnership building were a central goal of this important meeting, and participants shared ideas for future proposals in line with CEPF’s priorities as well as PNG's national priorities for biodiversity conservation. Participants helped to identify current gaps in the portfolio and shape a way forward for future grant-making in PNG. This is a vital step for ensuring that future funds are targeted to the areas, organizations and activities that need interventions the most. The next call for proposals will be open during October and November, and further information on how to apply can be obtained from