Article | 05 Juil, 2017

IUCN mourns the loss of Councillor and distinguished marine biologist, Don McMichael, CBE

It was with great sadness that IUCN learned of the passing of Dr Don McMichael, CBE, a former regional Councillor, Vice President and Treasurer of the Union, and one of the greats of the Australian environment sector.

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Photo: © Adon Buckley CC by 2.0

Don McMichael was a marine biologist with a distinguished career devoted to the environment, public service and museums. He served as one of IUCN's four Vice-Presidents from 1975 until 1978, and as IUCN's Regional Councillor from 1978 until 1981.

He completed a BSc in zoology at the University of Sydney in 1952 and an MA and PhD on Australian freshwater molluscs at Harvard University in 1953-55, before returning to Australia to serve as Curator of Molluscs at the Australian Museum. 

At an important time for the establishment of the environment profession in Australia, Don McMichael served in a number of senior positions, including as Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Deputy Director of the Australian Museum, Secretary of the Australian Department of Home Affairs and Environment, and Chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, among many other roles.

Don McMichael also represented Australia at numerous United Nations and other international environmental meetings.