Article | 02 Aoû, 2017

IUCN continues to digitise rich archive

IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature has digitised a collection of over 40 historical publications available at its Headquarters’ Library in Gland, Switzerland, making it easier for researchers and conservationists to access IUCN’s unique repository of publications and reports. 

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Photo: Daisy Larios

Created in 1948, IUCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. As the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, it harnesses the knowledge and expertise of its 1,300 Member organisations and the input of some 16,000 experts to provide data, assessments and analysis of environmental and development challenges. In 2018, IUCN will celebrate its 70th anniversary.

“We have a treasure trove of titles that are often requested by researchers from around the world, who are eager to understand IUCN’s role in defining the conservation and sustainable development agenda,” says Daisy Larios, IUCN Library and Publications Manager. “Many of these titles may be difficult to find online or in local libraries, and having them digitised makes it possible for more people to access our collection.”

The selected titles go back to 1961, and include annual reports, documentation from the 2000 IUCN World Conservation Congress in Amman, Jordan and reports from IUCN’s Commissions and Secretariat.

For access to all of IUCN’s digitised publications, as well as the complete catalogue of IUCN’s publications and other holdings of the IUCN HQ Library, visit

Researchers hoping to access portions of the collection which have not been digitised should make an appointment with the IUCN Library and Publications Manager to visit IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland.

For more information please contact:

Daisy Larios, IUCN Library and Publications Manager,, +41 22 999 0136

Digitised titles

Pre-1980 titles:

1980s titles:

1990s titles:

Documentation from IUCN World Conservation Congress:

Documentation from World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (later World Parks Congress):

IUCN annual reports: