Article | 30 Mar, 2018

IUCN and Eco-business: A new partnership for responsible business and sustainable development

IUCN Asia is pleased to announce a new Knowledge and Networking Partnership with Eco-business, Asia-Pacific’s leading clean technology, smart cities, responsible business and sustainable development media company. The partnership will enable members of both organisations to learn more about sustainable business practices, as well as wider sustainability issues, through stories and case studies showcased on both IUCN and Eco-business platforms. 

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Opinon editorial by Aban Marker Kabraji, published by for World Oceans Day 2017

Photo: © IUCN

Through the partnership, IUCN and Eco-business have agreed to strengthen their inter-organisational knowledge-sharing network. They will invite each other to speak at appropriate independent events and jointly organise some events for the private sector, collaborate to showcase positive examples of their sustainable development activities, freely share knowledge and case studies, and republish each other’s content on their respective news and social media platforms.

“The relationship between IUCN and Eco-business is quite natural, because our goals are very similar,” says Ann Moey, Director of Communications for IUCN Asia. “This is a friendship that has grown and come to fruition organically, so by making it official we’re hoping to strengthen the rapport we already have.”

In the past year, has published several articles authored by IUCN. These include a story on women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, and an opinion editorial for World Ocean’s Day 2017 by IUCN Asia Regional Director Aban Marker Kabraji. 

About Eco-business: Established in 2009, and headquartered in Singapore, Eco-business is a social enterprise that helps private sector companies in the Asia-Pacific region work towards environmental and social responsibility. An advocate for social development, with an educational mandate, they provide platforms for businesses, governments, NGOs, research institutions and think tanks to publish their stories and reach a wider audience. These publications include, for example, best practices in sustainable business and development, informative advancements of public awareness, and publications meant to stimulate discussion about sustainable development.

In 2013, received the Lee Foundation Excellence in Environmental Reporting Award at the Asian Environmental Journalism Awards. In addition to its award-winning website, Eco-business also produces custom publications, market research, whitepapers and multimedia, and offers consultancies, training and high-impact events catered to the unique sustainability goals of each organisation or company. They also offer a Green Jobs Board, which connects employers with potential employees seeking jobs in green technology and sustainable development; a calendar of regional events; and a research database.