Article | 23 Avr, 2018

Call for Solutions: Share examples of “what works in conservation” through PANORAMA!

PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet is an initiative to promote successful approaches in conservation and development across several thematic areas, allowing practitioners to learn from what worked before elsewhere.

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Such “solution” case studies are published on the online platform, broken down into their key modules, or “building blocks,” to facilitate their replication in other contexts. The solutions are further promoted through, for example, publications, social media, newsletters, webinars and workshops, which provide excellent exposure and connect “solution providers” with potential “solution seekers.” “Solution providers” are supported in reflecting on the key success factors in their work, while becoming part of a global network connected to PANORAMA.

PANORAMA is a joint initiative led by IUCN and GIZ, implemented with UN Environment, GRID-Arendal and Rare, but is principally open for contributions by any institution. So far, over 350 solutions from a wide variety of “solution providers” have been assembled.

We are inviting IUCN Members and partners in Asia to share their solutions!

Solutions can relate to any or several of PANORAMA’s current 4 thematic areas:

  • Protected Areas
  • Marine and Coastal
  • Ecosystem-based Adaptation
  • Agriculture and Biodiversity

They will be published on the PANORAMA web platform, a global repository of success stories.

Submit your solution now!

Please submit your draft solution latest by 31 May 2018.

See here for further information on requirements and process. Contact us if you have any questions, and read other solutions from Asia on the PANORAMA platform.