Article | 20 Nov, 2020

#ReverseTheRed live webinar

What if we could change the outcomes for threatened species? December 9th, 10AM EST (UTC-5)

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Reverse the Red Webinar 9 December

Photo: IUCN

Every year scientists, governments and conservation professionals assess the status of species using the IUCN Red List methodology. The news is seldom good. Year after year many species move towards greater extinction risk. We believe that it is time to stop this decline. It is time to reverse the trends shown by the Red List. If we work together, with enough coordination, skill and passion, we might just be the generation to stop biodiversity loss. 

Join us to discuss and shape what it will take for our collective efforts to Reverse the Red. No-one holds the answers, but together we can change the outcomes for species.

Will you join us? December 9th, 10AM EST (UTC-5) - Live stream on IUCN SSC Facebook page.

More information is available at