Article 28 Sep, 2021

IUCN Welcomes 27 new Members

In the lead up to the IUCN World Conservation Congress, the Council admitted 27 new Members.

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Photo: Ronald Lewis-Smith

The Council, President, Director General, and entire Union extend a very warm welcome to the new Members and look forward to their active involvement.

They are: 


Oceans Alive Trust, OAT, Kenya
Libyan Wildlife Trust, LWT, Libya
Association pour la préservation des ecosystèmes océaniques sénégalais, APEOS, Senegal
Sudanese Development Initiative, SUDIA, Sudan

Meso and South America    

Rede Nacional de Combate ao Tráfico de Animais Silvestres, RENCTAS, Brazil
MIGRAMAR, MM, Costa Rica
Fundación Plenitud, FP, Dominican Republic
Asociación Ecológica de San Marcos de Ocotepeque, AESMO, Honduras

North America & the Caribbean     

Galapagos Conservancy, GC, USA
Marat Karpeka Lemur Foundation, MK LEMUR, USA        

South and East Asia 

China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, CATCM, China
Human Development Foundation, HDF, Pakistan
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea, MOF, Republic of Korea

West Asia      

Jordan Outdoor Sports Association, JOSA, Jordan
Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Research Center, NERC, Jordan 

West Europe 

Vienna Zoo-Schoenbrunner Tiergarten GmbH, ST, Austria
Pairi Daiza Foundation, PDF, Belgium
National Hunting and Fishing Association "Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria (NHFA „UHAB“"), UHAB, Bulgaria
Association pour la Protection des Animaux Sauvages et du Patrimoine Naturel, ASPAS, France
Initiatives pour l'Avenir des Grands Fleuves, IAGF, France
Systèmes extractifs et Environnements, SystExt, France
Turtle Sanctuary, TS, France
Organismos Fysikou Perivallontos Kai Klimatikis Allagis (O.FY.PE.KA), NECCA, Greece   
We are here Venice, WAHV, Italy
Asociación Desenvolvemento Rural "Mariñas-Betanzos", MB, Spain
Conflict and Environment Observatory, CEOBS, United Kingdom
Stop Ecocide International Ltd, SEI, United Kingdom