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Protecion of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems (Life Adapta)
Projet Jul, 2015 - Dec, 2021

Protecion of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems (Life Adapta)

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Aperçu et objectifs

The AdaptaMED project focuses on developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating adaptative management measures addressed to those socio-ecosystems identified as key for the…
The AdaptaMED project focuses on developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating adaptative management measures addressed to those socio-ecosystems identified as key for the provision of, among others, soil retention, polinization, pastures, temperature regulation, water provision, prevention of forest fires and of desertification. The project aims to mitigate the negative effect of climate change on key ecosystem services that three iconic and representative Mediterranean natural protected areas provide to local inhabitants and their socioeconomic sector:
• a Mediterranean wetland, Doñana Nature Space (Nature & National Park and Biosphere Reserve)
• a Mediterranean high mountain range, Sierra Nevada Nature Space (N&NP and BR)
• and a subdesertic Mediterranean coastal area, Cabo de Gata Nature Park (and BR).
The project will focus on implementing adaptation measures and providing information, experience and instruments to other managers, owners and stakeholders who must face these threats.
The objectives are: - To implement and test actions and tools in different Mediterranean representative ecosystems especially sensitive to Climate Change (wetlands, mountain areas and subdesertic…
The objectives are:
- To implement and test actions and tools in different Mediterranean representative ecosystems especially sensitive to Climate Change (wetlands, mountain areas and subdesertic areas) in order to provide data, experience and tools to other decision makers, land managers and stakeholders to face these threats.
- To test and disseminate innovative tools and approaches with a high potential to contribute to the project goals
- To raise awareness of specific social groups and the general public on Climate Change and in particular on Climate Change adaptation.

Membres et partenaires

Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Junta de Andalucía