Fostering Partnerships to Build Coherence and Support for Forest Landscape Restoration
Projet Jun, 2017 - Jul, 2021

Fostering Partnerships to Build Coherence and Support for Forest Landscape Restoration

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Aperçu et objectifs

This project, a Joint Initiative of the CPF, positions the CPF to play a catalytic role in strengthening national and international support and engagement on FLR. It will do this by making full use…
This project, a Joint Initiative of the CPF, positions the CPF to play a catalytic role in strengthening national and international support and engagement on FLR. It will do this by making full use of the CPF’s role, unique membership, and position within the UN system to enhance coherence and effective engagement among CPF member FLR programs, to strengthen coherence and integration of FLR within national and international policy including REDD+ policies, and by facilitating the mobilization of additional and needed finance for FLR. This project will play a key role in supporting effective implementation of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 (UNSPF) and its six Global Forest Goals and associated targets, particularly Global Forest Goal 6, “enhance cooperation, coordination, coherence and synergies on forest-related issues at all levels, including within the UN System and across CPF member organizations.”
The project will achieve the following outcomes: Outcome 1.1: Strengthened support for FLR within and among key existing international policy frameworks Outcome 1.2: Support stimulated for…
The project will achieve the following outcomes:
Outcome 1.1: Strengthened support for FLR within and among key existing international policy frameworks
Outcome 1.2: Support stimulated for accelerated progress in achieving restoration goals through promotion of greater policy coherence at the regional, national, and sub-national levels.
Outcome 2.1: Increased public- and private-sector funding for FLR
Outcome 2.2: Enhanced synergies and partnership among cross-national programs on FLR from the GEF, GCF, LDN Fund, BIOFIN and others, leading to enhanced impacts and cost savings
Outcome 3.1: Enhanced generation of synergies across national programs on FLR from CPF members and other stakeholders.

Membres et partenaires

Center for International Forestry Research,
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR),
Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation,
DESA, United Nations Department of Economic and,
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Areas Protegidas,
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry ,
International Centre for Research on Agroforestry,
International Torpical Timber Organization,
International Union of Forest Research Org (IUFRO),
IUCN WCPA Biodiversity and Protected Areas : Network 2017-2020,
United Nation Environment Programme,
United Nations Development Programme

Merci à nos donateurs

Project Documents

GEF ID 9861, Forests


For the complete set of project documents, consult the the project page on the GEF website


The following documents are available for download compliant with IUCN ESMS disclosure policy. Should you wish to obtain a copy of other documents including older versions of IUCN ESMS documents, please contact [email protected]