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IUCN priorities for the GCF-IUCN partnership

On climate change, IUCN has been advancing two principal “nature-based solutions” to climate change: ecosystem-based mitigation (including REDD+) and ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA). These solutions include forests and other terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems. They aim to demonstrate that better conservation, management and restoration of natural ecosystems  can yield practical, cost-effective and tangible benefits for both climate mitigation and adaptation, while also enhancing the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable communities and safeguarding biodiversity. IUCN also generates knowledge on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.

Overall, given that about 25% global GHG emissions emanate from the land sector today, IUCN’s work in this area makes a significant and direct contribution towards combating global climate change and achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC. It is directly aligned with the strategic objectives and outcomes identified by the Green Climate Fund, particularly to: (i) reduce emissions from land use, deforestation and forest degradation, and (ii) improve the resilience of ecosystems and ecosystem services. IUCN works to advance these nature-based solutions to climate change in a manner that is socially equitable and gender sensitive and responsive.