Article | 19 Mai, 2022

IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas events at the 2nd Asia Parks Congress

Join the IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas team at the 2nd Asia Parks Congress, a gathering of Asia's protected areas practitioners and other interested stakeholders in Sabah, Malaysia and online. The Congress will bring together leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, indigenous peoples, business, and academia from Asia and around the world.

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Sabah, Malaysia

Photo: Susan Koo

The theme of the second Asia Parks Congress is "Parks for Nature and People," emphasising the relationship between nature and society. The Congress agenda includes events hosted by our BIOPAMA, PANORAMA, and IUCN Green List teams.


12:45 to 13:55, 26 May 2022, Mataking Room, Level 2:

Side Event - 'Ensuring Good Governance in Protected and Conserved Areas: The IUCN Green List as a Framework and Pathway' (Working Group 2 - Governance of protected and conserved areas)


12:45 to 13:55, 26 May 2022, Balambangan Room, Level 2:

Side Event - 'Sustainable Tourism and Protected Areas in a Post-COVID World' (Working Group 5 - Economic and financial sustainability of protected and conserved areas)


15:00, 26 May 2022, Sipadan I, Level 4:

Presentation in Working Group Session - 'PANORAMA – a platform for knowledge exchange on nature-based solutions' (Working Group 1 - Nature-based solutions for health and wellbeing)


15:00 to 16:00, 26 May 2022, IUCN Booth

Cafe Conversation - 'About the IUCN Green List - Meet the Experts', with:

      • Prof. Marc Hockings (Emeritus Professor), Vice-Chair (Science), IUCN WCPA
      • MKS Pasha, Asia Coordinator, IUCN Green List
      • James Hardcastle, Head, IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas


18:00 - 19:30, 26 May 2022, Balambangan Room, Level 2:

Side Event - 'Building hope for Asia's protected and conserved areas: IUCN Green List - celebrating success and sharing experiences' (Working Group 4 - Effective protected and conserved areas)


18:00 - 19:30, 27 May 2022, Sepilok Room, Level 5:

Side Event - 'Connecting MPA Practitioners with Solutions for Showcasing and Strengthening MPA Management Effectiveness in the Coral Triangle region' (Working Group 4 - Effective protected and conserved areas)


18:00 - 19:30, 27 May 2022, Manukan Room, Level 2:

Side Event – ‘The future of World Heritage in Asia: Reconciling conservation and development’ (Working Group 2 – Governance of protected and conserved areas)


18.00 - 19.30, 27 May 2022, Balambangan Room, Level 2: 

Side Event - 'From Knowledge to Action: Protected Area experiences from African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries' (Working Group 4 - Effective protected and conserved areas)


To attend these events and more, either physically or online, register now for the Asia Parks Congress before 24 May 2022 here: