Mediterranean Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas

"The IUCN Green List Standard is to provide a global benchmark for protected and conserved areas to assess whether they are achieving successful conservation outcomes through effective and equitable governance and management. The IUCN Green List Standard includes globally consistent Components and Criteria, which are supported by indicators to measure site performance." 

IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas: Standards Committee

The Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas is a global sustainability standard that is used to highlight global successes in protected areas. This helps to recognise different effective management practices and to highlight knowledge gaps and needs that Protected and Conserved Areas are facing. The benefits of GLPA’s are that they allow protected areas to adapt to local context while remaining globally consistent while identifying common strengths and challenges in protected areas management.

Between 2012 -2014, IUCN coordinated a Green List pilot phase in eight countries and announced the first protected areas to meet the criteria during the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney in November (2014). Seven of the total 25 areas recognized across the world were located in Mediterranean countries (France, Italy, and Spain). The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas has also been recognized as a Flagship Initiative under the Mediterranean Strategy on Sustainable Development (MSSD) 2016-2025, adopted during the 19th Convention of the Parties of the Barcelona Convention, held in Athens from the 9th to the 11th of February.


The IUCN Green List Standard 

The IUCN Green List Standard is organised into the four following components with 17 evaluating criteria:

  • Good Governance: Guarantee Legitimacy and Voice | Achieve Transparency and Accountability | Enable Governance Vitality and Capacity to Respond Adaptively
  • Sound Design & Planning: Identify and Understand Major Site Values | Design for Long-Term Conservation of Major Site Values | Understand threats and Challenges to Major Site Values | Understand Social & Economic Context
  • Effective Management: Develop and Implement a Long-Term Management Strategy | Manage Ecological Condition | Manage Within Social and Economic Context of the Area | Manage Threats | Effectively and Fairly Enforce Laws and Regulations | Manage Access Resource Use and Visitation | Measure Success
  • Successful Conservation Outcomes: Demonstrate Conservation of Major Natural Values | Demonstrate Conservation of Major Associated Ecosystem Services | Demonstrate Conservation of Cultural Values

Explore The Green List Map Here.

The Mediterranean Green List of Protected Areas

Green List Med


Algeria Egypt Jordan Lebanon


Morocco Spain Tunisia




France has a total of 15 listed areas and 16 candidates, that are managed by the IUCN French National CommitteeFor knowledge purposes, the following list only mentions areas in the Mediterranean region. 


Latest Achievements

The Italian Expert Assessment Group for Green List (EAGL), established and trained in 2019, is steadily advancing in with the assessment of 5 candidate sites from Italy for 2020.

In Spain, the EAGL has finalized the adaptation of the Green list indicators to the country specificities as well as the related public consultation. We expect the Standard for Spain to be approved by the end of the year and open the process for candidacies of parks in early 2021.

Green List Tunisia

The Expert Assessment Group for the Green List in the Maghreb (EAGL-Maghreb) was established in 2018. It is a regional EAGL composed of members from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. EAGL-Maghreb participated in a training on the application of the Standards and finalised the adaptation of the GL indicators to the regional context in the Maghreb. Seven candidate sites have been received from the three Maghreb countries (see list below). EAGL-Maghreb have started in 2020 the evaluation for some sites providing feedback to site managers according to the procedures.

Green List SUstainability Standard

In 2018, the IUCN-Med participated in the European Core Working Group of experts by supporting the call for site managers to apply for the testing phase of the LIFE Green List for Natura 2000 project funded by the European Commission. Project outcomes can be found here

Join the community and gain recognition for a protected area in your region and apply to be part of the Green List by applying with a self-assessment on the Green List website. 

For further information about the Mediterranean areas and the IUCN Green List, contact Carla Danelutti.

