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Nature-based Solutions in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Targets

NbS are closely aligned with the first draft of the Post2020 GBF. The focus on improving human well-being through the adaptive and resilient characteristics of biodiverse ecosystems directly underpins the 2050 Vision

• NbS are relevant to the GBF, specifically Targets 8 and 11
• The UNEA-5 adopted a global definition of NbS, which provides an official reference to be used in international agreements
• NbS encompasses a variety of approaches, including Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reducation and Ecosystem-based mitigation (EbM)
• NbS is only effective for climate change mitigation when combined with ambitious and comprehensive emission reduction strategies aligned with the Paris Agreement net-zero and long term goals
• IUCN Global Standard for NbS helps prevent unanticipated negative outcomes or misuse, and contributes to assessing their effectiveness
