Historical Climate Change Legal Proceedings: IUCN’s participation and Implications Going Forward (Second Session)
(December 18th, 2024)
IUCN has participated in the historical climate change proceedings before the International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations. In this (second session of this) webinar, IUCN Counsel Prof Dr Francesco Sindico (Co-Chair of the Commission’s Climate Change Law Specialist Group) will chart the journey of IUCN before the Court and explain the key points presented by IUCN throughout the written and oral proceedings. Dr. Fabiano de Andrade Correa (Co-Chair of the Commission’s Climate Change Law Specialist Group) will also participate in this dialogue. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the proceedings, IUCN’s involvement therein and the implications stemming therefrom both for IUCN and its members.
Historical Climate Change Legal Proceedings: IUCN’s participation and Implications Going Forward (First Session)
(December 17th, 2024)
IUCN has participated in the historical climate change proceedings before the International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations. In this webinar, IUCN Lead Counsel Prof Dr Christina Voigt (Chair of the World Commission on Environmental Law) and Counsel Prof Dr Francesco Sindico (Co-Chair of the Commission’s Climate Change Law Specialist Group) will chart the journey of IUCN before the Court and explain the key points presented by IUCN throughout the written and oral proceedings. Members of the core drafting group are invited to provide their reflections. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the proceedings, IUCN’s involvement therein and the implications stemming therefrom both for IUCN and its members.
Outcomes and the Way Forward from INC-5
(December 17th, 2024)
Following the adjournment of INC-5 in Busan, Republic of Korea, on 1 December 2024 there are many questions regarding the future of the international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, Including in the marine environment. In this webinar, members of the WCEL and IUCN who have participated in the INC process will provide their insights from INC-5 and perspectives on the meaning of the adjournment, plans for an INC-5.2 in 2025, and areas of critical importance for advancing the negotiations. Perspectives on IUCN's core areas of expertise in the negotiation process will also be shared, particularly in terms of the inclusion of biodiversity within the ILBI text and the need for regime convergence with existing multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and other international agreements.
- Dr. Alexandra Harrington (Lancaster University Law School /Chair of the IUCN WCEL Agreement on Plastic Pollution TaskForce)
- Dr. Karine Siegwart (Senior Policy Advisor, IUCN)
The ICJ and Climate Change: Reflections and Expectations
(December 13th, 2024)
From 2 to 13 December 2024, more than 100 States and International Organisations presented to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) their views on obligations of states under international law with respect to climate change. Please join IUCN to discuss these historical proceedings. What have we seen over the last two weeks? What happens next? What can be expected from the court? What might be the impact of the Advisory Opinion and how does it relate to similar opinions from other international courts, in particular the International Tribunal for Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and the Inter American Court for Human Rights (IACtHR).
- Dr. Grethel Aguilar (IUCN Director General)
- Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (IUCN WCEL Chair, Lead legal counsel of the IUCN in the advisory proceedings at ICJ, ITLOS and IACtHR)
- Prof. Dr. Francesco Sindico (Co-Chair of the IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law SG and member of the IUCN delegation at the ICJ)
- Liliana Jauregui (IUCN NL Committee)
Early Career Talk: Reflections on being an Early Career Climate Professional
(December 6th, 2024)
Join us for a Zoom Webinar to engage with two amazing early career climate professionals and learn about their career journeys. This will provide an opportunity to learn the career trajectories of the guest speakers and the valuable lessons and experiences they have gained from it. Don’t miss out on this chance to connect with experienced professionals and gain valuable insights into your chosen field.
Guest Speakers:
• Hemavathi S Shekar, Founder, Enact Earth Foundation, Former Global South Focal Point, YOUNGO
• Srishti Singh, Climate Change & Youth Engagement Strategy Lead at UNICEF India
A Global Instrument for the Governance of the Earth's Freshwater?
(November 27th, 2024)
Freshwater resources are under threat at the global scale from a host of stressors, however their governance is dictated by policies and legal and institutional frameworks which are specific to each member country of the world community of nations. The disconnect between the threats the Earth’s freshwaters face at a global scale and the national/domestic scale of the governance and legal/institutional responses suggests that there is scope for a bridging normative-type instrument at the global level that provides inspiration for individual member countries of the world community as they revisit their domestic freshwater governance and legal/institutional frameworks in the face of the challenges ahead globally. The webinar will explore and debate the justification and possible contents of such an instrument and a motion for a IUCN Resolution carrying it, from the perspective in particular of the desirable legislative integration and coherence across the spectrum of human actions that impact on, or are impacted by, freshwater.
Ayman Cherkoaui
Michael Hantke-Domas
Moderator and Q&A facilitator:
Michael Hantke-Domas
• The Global Instrument at a glance (rationale, scope and purpose):
Zaki Shubber
• Policy and legislative coherence and integration across the water/land/subsoil/environment continuum:
Stefano Burchi
• Water tenure as a foundational pillar of freshwater governance: Jessica Troell
Moderator and Q&A facilitator:
Zaki Shubber
• Equitable access to freshwater resources and addressing gender discriminationas foundational pillars of domestic freshwater governance and legislation:
Robyn Stein
• In dubio pro aqua – Protecting environmental flows by the Judiciary:
Michael Hantke-Domas
Recent developments in carbon markets under Art. 6.4 of the Paris Agreement
(November 5th, 2024)
Held on 5 November, 2024 as part of the Webinar Series: "The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges".
Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (University of Oslo/ Chair IUCN WCEL)
Felipe Ferreira (Brazil, Member of the Art. 6.4 Supervisory Body)
Fabiano de Andrade Correa (Co-Chair IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law SG)
CEM Dialogue: Deep Sea Mining and what is expected as we continue to uphold IUCN Resolution 122.
(September 5th, 2024)
Held on 5 September 2024, as part of the continuing CEM Dialogue series.
The IUCN Commissions CEM and WCEL together with the IUCN Ocean team invites you to a webinar to unravel the situation and status of where things stand with regard to Deep Seabed Mining (DSM), including an essential debrief from the recent ISA meetings on discussions, decisions and what is expected to happen next as we continue to uphold IUCN Resolution 122.
IUCN WCEL is represented by our Ocean Law SG Deputy Chair Pradeep Singh.
IUCN WCEL International Expert Colloquium: "The Environmental Rule of Law: Future Directions"
(August 28th, 2024)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Held on Wednesday 28th August 2024 at The World Bank (Washington D.C., USA).
The UN Environment Program (UNEP) published in November 2023 its second global report on the Environmental Rule of Law: Tracking Progress and Charting Future Directions. The Environmental Rule of Law (EROL) seeks to apply the rule of law in an environmental context. In essence, EROL provides a toolbox of approaches for strengthening environmental protection through law, and the implementation and enforcement of, and compliance with, such laws. EROL is part and parcel of a governance system in which governments, public and private institutions, corporate actors and individuals are accountable to laws that aim at the protection of the environment: laws that are public, equally enforced, independently adjudicated and consistent with human rights. Dr. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Director of the Law Division at UNEP remarks that EROL “empowers us to fortify the application, strengthen enforcement and ensure better environmental actions for the planet for both present and future generations”.
The colloquium draws together internationally leading experts in environmental law to discuss these issues and to map out future directions of EROL. The aim of the colloquium is to further understanding, collaboration and innovation on the issues and recommendations outlined in the UNEP report, providing detailed expert guidance on these future directions of EROL.
Held in partnership with:
Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability (IIJS), The World Bank, UN Environment Programme, The Earth Commons (Georgetown University), Georgetown Environmental Law and Policy Program, American University Washington College of Law Program on Environmental and Energy Law and University of Oslo.
Proposed biodiversity article for the Plastics Treaty and INC-4 Outcomes
(May 31st, 2024)
Held on 31 May 2024 as part of the Webinar Series: "The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges".
OPENING REMARKS: Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (University of Oslo/ Chair IUCN WCEL)
- Dr. Alexandra Harrington (Lancaster University Law School / Chair of the IUCN WCEL Agreement on Plastic Pollution Task Force)
- Dr. Karine Siegwart (Senior Policy Advisor, IUCN)
ITLOS Advisory Opionion on the request from the Commission of Small Island States (COSIS) on Climate Change and International Law
(May 22nd, 2024)
Rapid reactions from our panel of experts on: ITLOS AO on the request from the Commission of Small Island States (COSIS) on Climate Change and International Law.
Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (University of Oslo/ Chair IUCN WCEL)
- Prof. Cymie Payne (Rutgers University/ Chair IUCN WCEL Ocean Law SG)
- Dr. Nilufer Oral (UN ILC member/ IUCN WCEL SC member)
- Dr. Tara Davenport (Co-Head of Oceans Law and Policy, Centre for International Law, NUS)
- Atty. Sherry Broder (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law, East-West Center Pacific Islands Development Program)
- Prof. David VanderZwaag (Canada Research Chair in Ocean Law and Governance/ Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University)
Ayman Cherkaoui (Director at Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training/ Deputy-Chair IUCN WCEL)
Legal challenges to establish a strong science-policy interface for an Environmental Rule of Law
(April 24th, 2024)
Organized by IUCN WCEL Early Career Specialist Group (ECSG).
UNEA-6 Green Room Side Event: "Nature's Blueprint Harnessing Natural Solutions for Climate Resilience"
(February 29th, 2024)
Organized in partnership with the Hassan II International Environmental Training Center.
Prosecuting Ecocide: Prospects for enforcement nationally and internationally
(November 29th, 2023)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Hosted by:
Carlos III University (UC3M)
Stop Ecocide International
In partnership with:
ICEL (Intenational Council of Environmental Law)
Pax Natura
Regional Webinar: IUCN COP28 Position Paper for Europe & North America
(October 31st, 2023)
Organized by:
Welcome and introduction:
Boris Erg, Regional Director, IUCN European Regional Office, Bonn, Germany
IUCN’s key messages for UNFCCC COP28:
Christina Voigt, Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) and Member of IUCN COP28 Working Group
Moderated Q&A:
Tracy Farrell, Regional Director, IUCN North America Regional Office, Washington D.C., USA -
Maher Mahjoub, Director, IUCN Mediterranean Cooperation Centre, Malaga, Spain
The intergenerational dimension of Human Rights and public interest litigation: The role of young and future generations
(September 20th, 2023)
Organized by:
IUCN WCEL Early Career SG and Youth and Environment Europe.
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed that human-caused climate change already affects every region on Earth in multiple ways, leading to widespread impacts on people and nature.
Nonetheless, developing nations will face the most dire consequences while benefiting the least from the activities causing global warming. The regions most affected and highly vulnerable to climate change are West, Central, and East Africa, South Asia, Central and South America, Small Island Developing States, and the Arctic. Within these regions, even more vulnerable people are disproportionately affected by climate impacts, raising concerns about human rights violations and climate injustice.
Children, youth, and future generations are also disproportionately affected by climate impacts despite being the ones who have least contributed to this crisis and have little - if any - participation in political decisions in the matter. On that account, children and youth are raising their voices all around the world to push their governments toward effective actions to tackle climate change and to claim for the intergenerational dimension of human rights and climate justice.
Human rights law has been playing a key role in addressing the climate crisis since it provides a strong legal foundation for environmental and human protection.
In the face of climate change, human rights are being resignified through multiple lenses. One of them is intergenerational. Consequently, the role children and youth play is of utmost importance in policy support since effectiveness is enhanced by political commitment and partnerships between different social groups.
The world needs urgent and equitable actions to cope with increasing threats posed by climate change and protect ecosystems, biodiversity, and the livelihoods, health, well-being, and human rights of current and future generations. This webinar will address questions relating to that.
Rights of nature – Towards transforming our relationship with the environment
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(August 16th, 2023)
Organized by:
IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) Rights of Nature Task Force.
Rights of nature have been proposed as an alternative to anthropocentric and centralised environmental law regimes. They are recognised in a growing number of countries. Yet, there remain many questions concerning the concept and its application. This webinar explores how rights of nature can contribute to reinforce existing environmental protection measures, and their potential limits.
Event outline:
The concept of rights of nature is gaining increasing attention around the world as a mechanism to potentially help strengthen environmental governance. At least 30 countries have already proposed and/or given legal recognition to nature’s rights. While the concept is not new, it needs to be explored in a more comprehensive and systematic manner. Different stakeholders have different interpretations about the concept and its application. Some view the concept as a radical one, paving the way to fundamentally recalibrate the human-nature relationship. Others believe the concept is simply a tool to help strengthen implementation, compliance, and enforcement of existing environmental law, that can help in making use of existing good practices at the local level. There are also different views as to how the concept does – or does not – interface with the human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.
This event will discuss the progress and relevance of the fast-growing development of rights of nature in a variety of contexts and their pertinence to the protection of our planet’s vital ecosystems.
Prof. Christina Voigt, University of Oslo (Chair IUCN WCEL)
Dr Yaffa Epstein, Uppsala University
Prof. Tianbao Qin, Wuhan University
Dr Hugo Echeverría, Universidad Hemisferios
Prof. Philippe Cullet, SOAS University of London (Chair IUCN WCEL Rights of Nature TF)
Sabrina Nick, Initiatives and Governance Officer at Director General’s Office and Governance Unit IUCN (Secretariat lead of the IUCN WCEL Rights of Nature TF)
The Evolving Legal Framework for the Management and Governance of Groundwater – Domestic and Transboundary
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(August 7th, 2023)
Organized by:
IUCN WCEL Water and Wetlands Law Specialist Group
"Emerging directions - A comparative overview"
Speaker: Stefano Burchi (Chair of the IUCN WCEL Water and Wetlands SG)
"The approaches and experience of South Africa"
Speaker: Barbara van Koppen (Scientist Emerita at the International Water Management Institute)
"The approaches and experience of India"
Speaker: Gayathri Naik (Assistant Professor of Law at the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, India)
"The governance of transboundary aquifers: emerging legal frameworks"
Speaker: Gabriel Eckstein (Texas A&M University School of Law)
Michael Hantke-Domas (Deputy-Chair of the IUCN WCEL Water and Wetlands SG)
Science-policy interfaces & environmental rule of law: Challenges and recommendations - a dialogue between policy and science
Webinar Series: Early Career Specialist Group - "Project 4" (June 26th, 2023)
Organized by: IUCN WCEL Early Career Specialist Group
This 1 hour webinar consists in a dialogue between Luciana Xavier and Pradeep Arjan Singh about the challenges and recommendations they identify in the science-policy interfaces in the context of the environmental rule of law.
Toward a Zero Draft for the Plastics Treaty - Outcomes from INC 2 and progress toward INC 3
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(June 23rd, 2023)
From 29 May to 2 June, States and observers met in Paris for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) 2 in the process of negotiating an internationally binding instrument on plastic pollution. While INC 1 in 2022 established the parameters of the negotiation process, INC 2 saw progress toward the creation of a zero draft treaty for discussion at INC 3 in November as well as an understanding of areas of convergence and contention between States. This event will provide a summary of the critical lessons from INC 2 as well as the work to be completed during the intersessional period and the anticipated issues for INC 3.
Prof Christina Voigt, Chair, IUCN WCEL
Dr Alexandra R Harrington, Chair, IUCN WCEL Agreement on Plastic Pollution Task Force
Dr Karine Siegwart, Senior Policy Advisor, IUCN International Policy Centre
Protecting nature, creating accountability, framing change: the power of recognising “Ecocide”
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(June 6th, 2023)
Organized by: Stop Ecocide International
Co-hosted by: IUCN WCEL
Existing environmental regulations, while plentiful, are often poorly monitored and enforced. A growing number of governments and civil society sectors are calling for stronger legal frameworks. This webinar explores how legal recognition of “ecocide” as a crime could reinforce existing laws, strengthen accountability and guide positive behaviour.
Event outline:
Existing environmental protections are often not adhered to or are poorly enforced. Many states, as well as NGOs, lawyers, academics, scientists, grassroots movements and a growing number of voices in the corporate and finance sectors are speaking out in support of stronger legal frameworks and accountability. In particular, the legal recognition of “ecocide” (severe and either widespread or long-term harm to ecosystems) as a crime at the international level could go a long way to shifting attitudes and guiding behaviour with regard to the worst threats to the living world.
This event will discuss the progress and relevance of the fast-growing ecocide law initiative in a variety of contexts pertinent to the protection of our planet’s vital ecosystems, drawing together a variety of perspectives.
Jojo Mehta - Chair, Stop Ecocide Foundation
Dr Christopher Bartlett - Climate Diplomacy Manager, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Vanuatu
Fiona Napier - Africa Nature Lead, Climate Champions Team
Julio Prieto - Environmental & Indigenous’ Rights Lawyer, Ecuador (Chevron case)
Patrick Alley - Co-Founder & Director, Global Witness
Roxane Chaplain - Legal advisor to Marie Toussaint, Member of European Parliament
Yuliiya Ovchynnykova MP - Member of Parliament, Ukraine
Christina Voigt - Chair, World Commission on Environmental Law
The use of environmental law for forest conservation
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(April 17th, 2023)
Presented by IUCN WCEL, Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, the International Ranger Federation, the Global Forests Coalition and IIFB, in our partnership in the Forests & Communities Initiative (FCI) for the second FCI webinar.
This topics covered were:
- The use of environmental law for forest conservation and
- Reconnecting national/international funding and governance to IPLCs for forest conservation.
Prof. Christina Voigt - Professor of Public International Law at University of Oslo / Chair IUCN WCEL (from Germany in Norway)
Ambassador Patricia Lima - Ambassador of Brazil in Cameroon (from Brazil in Cameroon)
● Prof. Eeshan Chaturvedi - Assistant Dean, Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability (Sabbatical)/ Ph.D. Stanford Student University (from India in USA) ● Kenneth Angu - IUCN, Regional Forest Program Coordinator for Central and West Africa/ Head of IUCN Cameroon Country Office (Cameroon)
● Alejandra Rabasa Salinas - Head of the General Unit of Scientific Knowledge y Human Rights of the National Supreme Court of Mexico (Mexico)
● Prof. M. Andrew Heinrich - Adjunct Professor at Columbia University / Founder and President at Project Rousseau (USA)
● Justice Antonio Benjamin - National High Court of Brazil/Chair, IUCN WCEL Model Forest Act Task Force (Brazil)
Ayman Cherkaoui - Director at Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training / Deputy Chair, IUCN WCEL (Morocco)
What outcomes from COP 15?
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(February 8th, 2023)
Presented by:
IUCN WCEL and The Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training:
Ecosystems and their biodiversity are the key to life on the planet. Biodiversity has become a major issue in international relations. The need to ensure global food security and the development of biotechnology have transformed biodiversity into an economic resource. But the resources needed to exploit it are unevenly distributed.
The Global Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) published in 2019 showed for the first time that human activity was responsible for the erosion of 75% of terrestrial ecosystems.
Experts have been warning for decades, and even more recently, that habitat fragmentation and human contact with wild animals increase the risk of disease in human populations. These threats to biodiversity and its natural habitats, by bringing species closer together, favor the emergence of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 or Ebola, which has wreaked havoc in Africa.
The 15th COP of the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Montreal from 7 to 19 December 2022, concluded with the adoption of a global framework for biodiversity for the post-2020 period: the Kunming-Montreal Agreement.
What can we learn from this COP? Will the agreement allow us to halt biodiversity loss and support transformative change? What support mechanisms and technical means will be used to implement and monitor commitments? What role do the different actors, including the general public, and the legal community play?
Introductory Remarks:
Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt - Chair, IUCN WCEL
Ms. Nouzha Alaoui - Secretary-General of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection
Ms. Sonia Peña Moreno - Director of the International Policy Centre, IUCN
Ms. Elizabeth Mrema - Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through a legal lens:
Prof. Michelle Lim - Deputy Chair of the IUCN WCEL Biodiversity Law Specialist Group
Youth Leadership in biodiversity:
Ms. Swetha Stotra Bhashyam, Global South Focal Point, Global Youth Biodiversity Network
Ms. Julieta Sarno, IUCN WCEL Early Career Specialist Group member
Ms. Aya Laccheb, Young Reporter for the Environment
What approach should universities take to ensure that species and ecosystems begin to recover?:
Ms. Emily Stott - Nature Positive Universities Coordinator, Department of Biology, University of Oxford
Ayman Cherkaoui - Deputy Chair IUCN WCEL / Director of the Hassan II International Centre for Environmental Training
Advisory Opinions on Climate Change: initiatives, expectations and possibilities.
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
(January 25th, 2023)
This webinar explores the different Advisory Opinions in three international courts: the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR).
Opening Remarks: Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (Chair, IUCN WCEL) and Dr. Grethel Aguilar (Deputy Director General, IUCN)
ITLOS: Assoc. Prof. Chhaya Bhardwaj (Member, IUCN WCEL Early Career SG)
Dialogue between: Prof. Nilufer Oral (Member, IUCN WCEL Steering Committee) and Prof. Cymie Payne (Chair, IUCN WCEL Ocean Law SG)
ICJ: Susan Ann Samuel (Member, IUCN WCEL Early Career SG)
Dialogue between: Prof. Francesco Sindico (Deputy-Chair, IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law SG) and Prof. Margareta Wewerinke (Member, IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law SG)
IACtHR: Assoc. Prof. Claudia de Windt (Member, IUCN WCEL Steering Committee)
Moderator: Ayman Cherkaoui (Deputy Chair, IUCN WCEL)
From Punta del Este to Paris: Outcomes of the Plastic Treaty INC-1 and Issues for INC-2.
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
Presented by the IUCN WCEL Agreement on Plastic Pollution Task Force. (December 14th, 2022)
The first round of intergovernmental negotiations for the Plastics Treaty (INC-1) took place from 28 November to 2 December in Punta del Este, Uruguay and online. As the first of a planned series of 5 INCs before the adoption of a Plastics Treaty in 2025, INC-1 served as a significant plenary session and paved the way for INC-2, scheduled to open on 22 May 2023 in Paris, to serve as a joint plenary and treaty negotiation session.
This event presented the core areas of discussion during INC-1, including regime convergence regarding human rights and trade law as well as multilateral environmental agreements, the need for a robust set of definitions and compliance mechanisms, the cross-cutting legal elements of regulating plastic pollution, and the need to bring innovation to the Treaty’s structure. In addition, it highlighted the clear distinctions that emerged regarding the Treaty’s structure, the contents and requirements of proposed National Action Plans, the need to focus on various aspects of the plastics lifecycle as a first priority, and the ways in which scientific and technical elements are to be merged into the legal and policy elements of the Treaty. Based on this, the event also noted the areas of key priority for INC-2 and beyond.
How can the Global Biodiversity Framework make progress towards a world “living in harmony with nature”?
Webinar Series: The Transforming Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges
Presented by the IUCN WCEL Biodiversity Law Specialist Group. (December 15th, 2022)
View full screen
The complex, hyperconnected and novel challenges of our present, and of the future, mean that achieving the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2050 Vision of a world ‘living in harmony with nature’ requires anticipation of emerging national and transnational legal challenges. This must be combined with integrated cross-sectoral regulatory approaches. Meanwhile, there remains the need to address enduring issues regarding the legal weight of the Convention itself and its associated targets and plans (e.g. the Global Biodiversity Framework and its predecessors the Aichi Targets and 2010 Biodiversity Target).
This webinar, brought to you by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law’s (WCEL) Biodiversity Law Specialist Group and the WCEL’s Pollution Taskforce, brings together environmental law experts from across multiple sectors and jurisdictions to highlight emerging novel biodiversity-related issues and coordinated legal approaches. The panel discussion addresses legal instruments (and regulatory gaps) as they relate to direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss identified by the Global Assessment of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It also brings together legal expertise on Genetically Modified Organisms and food security; plastics, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, climate change, indigenous sovereignty and equity. The panel discussion assesses the capacity of the proposed Global Biodiversity Framework and the Convention itself to address these issues and identifies ways forward for national implementation and transnational regulation.
International cooperation and research projects in the field of environmental law (Workshop #2)
Webinar Series: Early Career SG - Project Management for Environmental Lawyers
Presented by the IUCN WCEL Early Career Specialist Group. (December 16th, 2022)