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Blog 03 Avr, 2023

IUCN, Rwanda Forestry Authority, and Eastern Province signed MoU to implement landscape restoration projects

The Eastern Province of Rwanda has endorsed key landscape restoration projects which are being implemented in Rwanda by International Union for Conservation of Nature- IUCN in partnership with the Government of Rwanda and Partners.

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Photo: Emmanuel Gasana, Governor of the Eastern Province of Rwanda, IUCN Rwanda Country Representative, Kaori Yasuda, and Dr Concorde Nsengumuremyi, Director General of Rwanda Forestry Authority during the signing ceremony

In Rwanda, IUCN has been implementing several projects, where one of them is “Embedding Integrated Water Resources Management (EWMR)” - Sebeya project, which has contributed tremendously in restoration of degraded landscapes in the Western Province of Rwanda through Community based Approach.

Dr Concorde Nsengumuremyi, Director General of Rwanda Forestry Authority delivering his speech

This lesson learnt from Sebeya project is being scaled-up by IUCN in the Eastern Province of Rwanda to mitigate climate change but also contributing to sustainable environment, biodiversity and livelihoods.

On March 30, 2023, IUCN Rwanda Country Office, Rwanda Forestry Authority, the Eastern Province and the Districts of Kirehe, Ngoma, Bugesera, Kayonza, Rwamagana, Gatsibo, Nyagatare signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on restoration of degraded lands in the Eastern Province through restoration projects such as “Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation project" (TREPA) funded by Green Climate Fund and accredited to IUCN.

The signing ceremony of MoU brought different implementers from TREPA, AREECA, and COMBIO projects

The MoU also included the endorsement of COMBIO project funded by Sweden Government which aims to reduce the Eastern Province’s vulnerability to climate change through enhanced community-based biodiversity protection.

Lastly, the MoU endorsed the AREECA project which focuses on the development of participatory forest landscape restoration (FLR) interventions and implementation in selected community areas of Nyagatare and Kirehe districts.  

Mr Olivier HABIMANA, TREPA project Chief of Party during his presentation

The MoU identifies areas of cooperation between the Parties such as promoting forest landscape restoration to support sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity, providing alternative for reducing deforestation and forest degradation, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The MoU between Eastern Province, IUCN and Rwanda Forestry Authority was signed by Hon. Emmanuel Gasana, Governor of the Eastern Province of Rwanda, IUCN Rwanda Country Representative, Kaori Yasuda, and Dr Concorde Nsengumuremyi, Director General of Rwanda Forestry Authority.

On side of Districts, the MoU was signed by 7 Mayors of Kirehe, Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Bugesera, Rwamagana, Ngoma, and Kayonza.

During the signing ceremony which took place in Ngoma District, the Governor of Eastern Province, Hon. Emmanuel Gasana requested everyone to play an active role for the successful implementation of the projects mentioned above in order to help the people benefit from the advantages of having green forests in terms of conservation, protection of the environment and good management of the lands.

The signing ceremony of MoU was attended by high officials from Government of Rwanda, IUCN, Enabel, ICRAF, Cordaid and World Vision

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