IUCN Rwanda Country Office knowledge products
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature - IUCN opened an office in Rwanda in 2016, in order to support the Government of Rwanda in achieving its overall conservation and development objectives. Since then, it has implemented various projects that have contributed to Rwanda’s national policies as well as to international commitments such as those under the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The IUCN Rwanda Country Office aims to address key threats to Rwanda’s people and nature, caused by extremely high pressure on land and water, high levels of climate change vulnerability, and high levels of poverty. At the same time, the IUCN Rwanda Country Office aims to build on opportunities provided by Rwanda’s conducive biophysical factors and climate for nature, conducive policies towards green growth, and conducive development and investment potential.
The Rwanda Country Office can draw on the strong, global experience of IUCN’s members and Commissions, and on the scientific credibility of its standards and tools, such as the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, IUCN Green List, IUCN Nature-based Solutions, Species conservation action, effective protected areas, agriculture and soil biodiversity, ecosystem-based mitigation, post-2020 biodiversity policy and the IUCN red List of Ecosystems.
Locally, the Rwanda Country Office holds in-depth expertise in, among other things, biodiversity conservation, Forest Landscape Restoration, water management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable agriculture, wetlands management, and sustainable conservation finance.
This puts the IUCN Rwanda Country Office in a unique position to fulfil its mission “to assist the Government and the people of Rwanda to conserve the integrity and diversity of Rwanda’s nature, and to support and sustain healthy and resilient ecosystems that provide essential services to Rwanda’s people”.
IUCN Rwanda Country Office produces publications on a wide range of topics to share our expertise on nature, conservation, and sustainable development. Publications include project reports, studies, best practices, and success stories to name a few.
If you wish to receive any, feel most welcome to send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to share with you the requested document(s). All rights are strictly reserved to IUCN.
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) In Rwanda- Factsheets ( Find it here )
- Forest Landscape Restoration - Technical Packages for Rwanda ( Find it here )
Community Centric Landscape Restoration Approach in Rwanda ( Find it here)
The State of Soil Erosion Control in Rwanda ( ( Find it here)
IUCN-Rwanda’s restoration story map ( Find it here)
IUCN Rwanda Country Strategy 2021-2030 ( Find it here )
Assessing the Contribution of Mining to Sediment Loads in the Upper Nyabarongo Catchment ( Find it here )
Community Approach Guidelines for Sebeya Project- English Version ( Find it here )
Community Approach Guidelines for Sebeya Project- Kinyarwanda Version ( Find it here )
Green Roads for Water Scoping Study in Sebeya Catchment ( Find it here )