Informing policy
Setting conservation priorities
IUCN Members convene every two to four years to debate and agree major policy issues through resolutions and recommendations. Since the organisation’s founding in 1948, IUCN Members have issued over 1400 Resolutions.
International policy
IUCN has a proven track record as a trusted policy and scientific advisor, and in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Rio Conventions and a number of other biodiversity-related conventions.
Grants and support
Grants and support
Supporting conservation action
Apply for a grant or learn more about IUCN’s work supporting direct conservation action around the world.
GEF and GCF implementation
IUCN is an official implementing agency for the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund.
Partners and donors
IUCN relies on support from government institutions, foundations, partners and individuals. Learn more about our donors and partners, and how you can contribute.

Explore by theme
Like nature itself, IUCN’s work is interconnected. Work in one area draws upon, benefits and informs others. These themes and topics can help guide your exploration of what we do.
IUCN Academy
The IUCN Academy harnesses IUCN’s expertise to build the capacity of professionals and postgraduate students alike, with diversity and interdisciplinarity at the heart of its activities.

IUCN convening
IUCN works to bring the right people together to share relevant knowledge and best-practices, build partnerships based on science and respect, and to drive conservation action at every level.
Science informs every aspect of IUCN’s work. IUCN is committed to generating, utilising and publishing sound, evidence-based research to advance nature conservation and sustainable development.