
Become an IUCN Member

By joining IUCN, you will benefit from IUCN's scientific credibility, its unsurpassed knowledge base and convening power, extensive networking opportunities and access to high-level political, economic and social decision making. Being a Member of IUCN enables you both to advance your own cause and to strengthen common action in overcoming barriers to a sustainable future.

For more information on the benefits of IUCN membership, who can apply and how, please read on.

Member benefits

member knowledge


Members use IUCN's data, analysis, assessments, guidelines, standards and best practices to advance their conservation agendas as well as contributing to this knowledge.

members voice


The Union substantially boosts Members' power to influence the conservation agenda, both individually via IUCN's democratic processes, and collectively.

member network


With its vast portfolio of projects and strong track record and relationships with donors, IUCN has an unparalleled ability to bring Members into project work.

IUCN member logo

IUCN Members logo

IUCN Members can show their association with IUCN by using an official IUCN logo extension specifically designed for Members.

Who can become a Member, and how? 

IUCN Members are institutions and organisations with a common interest in creating a just world that values and conserves nature. Member organisations can be:

  • Government agencies
  • Subnational governments
  • National and international non-governmental organisations
  • Indigenous Peoples' Organisations
  • States and Political and/or Economic Integration Organisations  -


Individuals with conservation expertise can join one of our expert Commissions.

Companies and businesses are not eligible for consideration as members of IUCN. However, IUCN has a variety of partnerships with businesses in many countries. If your business would like to explore a partnership opportunity with IUCN, please contact the IUCN business engagement.

How to join IUCN membership?

States; Political and/or Economic Integration Organisations: Please see our guidance and letter template to submit your adhesion request.

Government agencies; Subnational governments; National and international non-governmental organisations; Indigenous Peoples' Organisations: Please visit the Membership Application Platform for guidance and to apply for IUCN membership.

Annual deadlines for submission of the membership applications: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December. Do not hesitate to contact the Membership Focal Point for your region for any question and guidance throughout the application process.


Documents to guide you through the process:

Before you start your application, we invite you to carefully read the documents below. Should you have questions that are not already covered in our FAQs, please contact your regional focal point.

National, regional and interregional committees  

IUCN Members within a country or region may choose to organise themselves into National and Regional Committees to facilitate cooperation.