Story | 02 Aug, 2012

IUCN in Oceania: Annual Report 2011

2011 was IUCN's fifth year in Oceania since the establishment of the Regional Office in January 2007. From just three staff, two State Members and limited funding; we have seen remarkable changes and growth in the office as well as in IUCN's reach. 

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Photo: IUCN

Our team has grown to 22 staff and we are now involved in key regional networks in all our priority programme areas and finally we have the core capacity to really do some exciting work and make the kind of impacts we aspired to five years ago.

Some highlights of 2011:

  • IUCN Oceania joined the ‘Sharing Power’ Conference in Whakatane, New Zealand, organized by the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
  • IUCN and the South Pacific Tourism Organisation signed a Memorandum of Understanding to pursue green tourism ventures
  • Te Ipukarea Society and The New Zealand Antarctic Institute joined IUCN as Members in May

For more highlights and updates on our activities in 2011, download the full report.