Story | 03 Aug, 2008

Judges and the Rule of Law: Creating the Links: Environment, Human Rights and Poverty

Greiber, Thomas, ed.
IUCN Environmental Law Centre

Judges play a critical role in the development, enforcement and compliance with environmental law. To showcase the role of the judiciary in upholding the rule of law, IUCN organized a “Judiciary Day” at its 2004 World Conservation Congress in Bangkok. This publication contains papers and speeches covering some of the cutting-edge themes that were discussed. It is hoped that these proceedings will enable a wide community of readers to better understand the crucial role of the judiciary in achieving the goals of sustainable development and nature conservation.

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Photo: IUCN Environmental Law Programme

Series: IUCN environmental policy and law paper ; no.060
Gland : IUCN ; Bonn, DE : IUCN Environmental Law Centre, 2006. ix, 110p.
ISBN 2-8317-0915-6 ; 978-2-8317-0915-4