Story | 10 Nov, 2008

World Heritage Nominations for Natural Properties : A resource manual for practioners

 This Resource Manual, developed with the support of the World Heritage Fund, is an input from IUCN to the implementation of the Global Strategy of the World Heritage Committee.

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Photo: IUCN

Tim Badman, Bastian Bomhard and Paul Dingwall IUCN 2008

It seeks to support States Parties in implementing the World Heritage Convention and to provide guidance and knowledge that will help ensure a credible World Heritage List of well managed natural and mixed properties universal value. As requested by the World Heritage Committee and States Parties, this Manual is an attempt to support States Parties at any early stage of the evaluation process – “upstream” of the point at  which a nomination is submitted for formal evaluation. As the body evaluating natural and mixed nominations, IUCN cannot advise on or support the preparation of specific nominations; however it is hoped that this Manual will help States Parties to carefully consider the mplications of proceeding with World Heritage nominations and the necessary steps to ensure the effort is worthwhile for both the conservation of the property and the well-being of local communities and other local stakeholders.