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DG Statement 31 Jul, 2024

IUCN Director General's statement for World Ranger Day

Today, on World Ranger Day 2024, IUCN celebrates rangers and the significant contributions that they make to our planet. Rangers play a vital role in biodiversity conservation and the wellbeing of people.

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Photo: ProAves Colombia photographic registry

Rangers around the world are on the frontline of conservation efforts, safeguarding present and future generations. Yet many still face difficult situations. We remember and pay our respects to those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. According to the International Ranger Federation, from June 2023 to May 2024,140 rangers from 38 countries passed away through accidents, illness and homicide.

IUCN supports the world’s diverse community of rangers – women, men, government employees, private sector workers, community members, Indigenous guardians and volunteers – and the important work they do for protected and conserved areas. We will continue to provide them with targeted resources, skills and training.

This year World Ranger Day celebrates the theme of ‘30 by 30’, in recognition of the key role that rangers play in achieving the conservation of 30% of our planet’s lands and water by 2030.  As humanity strives to achieve this target, our reliance on the dedication of rangers around the world is greater than ever.

Rangers are crucial in our mission to protect our planet and its people; we thank them sincerely for their commitment and contribution.