External event | 25 Aug, 2022

IUCN at World Water Week

World Water Week is the leading conference  on global water issues, held every year since 1991. The Week attracts a diverse mix of participants from many professional backgrounds and every corner of the world.

This year, the event will take place from 23 August to 1 September. For the first time, it will be hosted in a hybrid manner, with participants being able to join online and in person in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Srisailam Dam in Andhra Pradesh

Photo: Tejj on Unsplash

The 2022 theme,  Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water, focuses on the value of water, from many different  perspectives. Expect interesting  discussions  on topics  like pricing of water,  indigenous knowledge, human rights, and much more. We also draw attention to the unseen  water in aquifers and the soil.

IUCN will be involved in a number of online and onsite events between 25 August and 1 September. These include sessions on 'Upscaling Nature- based Solutions for water security and climate change adaptation', 'Youth Engagement: From Why to How', and 'Regenerative agriculture to value water and soils'. Below is an overview of all of IUCN's events (all times in UTC+01:00).


25 August 2022

Online 7:00 - 08:20

Upscaling Nature-based  Solutions for  water security and   climate  change adaptation
Nature-based Solution (NbS) provide a powerful defense against the  long-term impacts of climate change in  the  water   sector. Water  being  a  precious  input  to  all  socio-economic  and  socio-cultural  activities, scaling up nature NbS in the  water  sector in South  Asia requires addressing gaps  in science, capacity and sustainable financing.

IUCN contact person: Vishwa Sinha | Lead: ADPC | Co-organizers: IUCN and Asian Institute of Technology

25 August 2022

Online 13:00 - 14:20

Swimways:  A pathway to secure the value of  rivers?
Many migratory  freshwater  fishes  are  threatened and  yet provide  a major  source of food  security  and livelihoods for communities globally. We will provide a forum  to discuss the  proposed ‘Global Swimways’ framework, highlighting Swimways’ potential to direct river conservation and  restoration of rivers through policy and  implementation.

IUCN contact person: Catherine Sayer | Lead: WWF US | Co-organizers: UNEP WCMC, WFMF, University of Cambridge, WWF, TNC, University of Nevada Reno, IUCN

28 August 2022

On-site (Folkets Hus - Room: 307) 11:00 - 12:30

Enabling Nature based Solutions in droughts context towards increasing evidence
Drought-related  risks  are  increasing  worldwide  affecting  livelihoods  of communities.  This  session  is  an urge  a  call  for  action  to  better advocate  the  potential  of  NbS  for  droughts and  get  them ready   for upscaled implementation. It will discuss the  enabling conditions for creating, implementing and  upscaling NbS for drought impact mitigation.

IUCN contact person: Chris Magero | Lead: Deltares | Co-organizers: IDMP, IUCN

28 August 2022

On-site (Folkets Hus - Room: 307)  14:00 - 15:30

Clean  Groundwater – Our  Hidden  Treasure
A new groundwater source can be transformative, but  what  if this is polluted, unusable? Clean-up is slow and  expensive. Pollution prevention is best for ensuring safe  groundwater supplies. Solving these issues requires investment, policies, capacity and  education. Let’s work together towards keeping groundwater clean now and  for future generations.

IUCN contact person: James Dalton | Lead: World Bank | Co-organizers: GEF IW:LEARN, IAH, IGRAC, IUCN, FAO

31 August 2022

Online and on-site (Music Hall)  11:00 - 12:30

Co-implementing  Integrated  Drought Management:  the next decade
Despite  substantial  success  in  establishing  National  Drought  Policies,  drought impacts  continue  to increase  around the  globe.  This  session  will review  progress since  the  High-level  Meeting  on  National Drought Policy  (HMNDP)  held  in  2013   and   discuss  the   way  forward  to  scaling  up  and   accelerating implementation of Integrated Drought Management.

IUCN contact person: Chris Magero | Lead: WMO |  Co-organizers: FAO, IDMP, IWMI, IUCN, NDMC, NOAA, CBD, UNESCO, UNCCD, UNDP, UNDRR, WB and WMO

31 August 2022

Online and on-site (Room 451) – 14:00 - 15:30

Tackling  the twin challenge:  NBS  for  climate resilience and  biodiversity
While  communities  worldwide  are  tapping  nature’s  potential  to  support climate  resilience,  habitat  and  biodiversity  loss  continues  at  an  alarming  pace.   Healthy  freshwater  ecosystems  are  fundamental  to resilient development, cutting GHG emissions, and  stemming biodiversity loss. This session demonstrates nature-based solutions that  offer win-win propositions for people and  the  planet.

IUCN contact person: James Dalton | Lead: GIZ | Co-organizers: AGWA, GIZ, Forest Trends, UNESCO, IUCN

31 August 2022

Online and on-site (Pillar Hall) 14:00 - 15:30

Strategic dialogue:  Agenda2030 - Connecting  dots from source to sea
Humanity  is  facing  a  climate  crisis,  a  sixth  mass extinction  and   the  task  of  improving  the  lives  and prospects of everyone,  everywhere.  This  session  aims  to  highlight  how  source-to-sea management is needed to meet and  overcome these challenges, and  achieve the  Sustainable Development Goals.

IUCN contact person: James Dalton | Lead: SIWI | Co-organizers: S2S Platform, GEF IW:LEARN, Ramsar, SEI, SwAM, TNC

31 August 2022

Online and on-site (Music Hall) – 16:00 - 17:30

Salmons, Sturgeons,  Dolphins - What else  MIGHT we  find?
Freshwater species need our help because we need them! Freshwater populations have declined by 84% since 1970;  28% are  threatened with extinction highlighting the  poor status of rivers. Attendees will learn about the  simplicity  of sampling  and  practical  uses of eDNA  in  conservation  restoration;  supply  chain, water  and  risk.

IUCN contact person: James Dalton | Lead: NatureMetrics| Co-organizers: GEF IW:LEARN, IUCN, NatureMetrics, WWF

1 September 2022

Online and on-site (Pillar Hall) – 09:00 - 10:30

Youth  Engagement:  From  Why  to  How
Last year, a coalition of partner organisations highlighted why it’s critical to engage and  empower young people in water  governance & management. Since then,  we’ve launched a Valuing Water  Youth Taskforce and  action plan to stimulate youth  engagement across the  sector. It’s time to move  from why to how.

IUCN contact person: Maria Ana Borges | Lead: IUCN | Co-organizers: Aquafed, Climate Centre, VWI, KWR, World Waternet, Young Experts Prog, Youth for the Rhine

1 September 2022

Online and on-site (Room 353) – 11:00 - 12:30

Regenerative  agriculture to value water and  soils
What do water  and  soils have  in common? By adopting and  scaling up regenerative farming practices we can  improve  soil  health  and  rehabilitate  water   services,  catalysing  the  transition  to  sustainable  food systems. Join us to discuss what you can do to help!

IUCN contact person: Maria Ana Borges |  Lead: IUCN | Co-organizers: ICRAF, CA4SH, IAASA

1 September 2022

Online and on-site (Room 451) – 14:00 - 15:30

Having a  positive impact at catchment  level
During the  session, participants will discuss, using concrete examples and  experiences, the  ways to have a positive impact on water  at catchment level. It will be about sharing learning on methodologies (such as VWBA),  ways  to  identify  shared water   challenges,  but  also  to  share data and  to  stimulate  collective actions. The session will involve Experts,  NGOs and  private sector.

IUCN contact  person: James Dalton | Lead: Nestlé | Co-organizers: Bluerisk, Diageo, Global Water Challenge, IUCN, Nestlé, CEO Mandate