IUCN event | 15 Feb, 2024

IUCN Species Conservation Action: A Global plan and financing mechanism to support implementation of CMS and the Global Biodiversity Framework

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Photo: Wildlife Without Borders

With the new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in place, countries are ratcheting up policy ambition to achieving their multilateral and national biodiversity commitments.

But almost all countries face challenges: Defining actions they must take and raising the finance needed to achieve global biodiversity goals. To implement national commitments under the CMS and CBD, strong action plans and diverse partnerships to mobilize resources, knowledge and sustain conservation actions are more urgent than ever. 

IUCN’s Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) provides a roadmap for all stakeholders to plan and achieve successful outcomes for the conservation and sustainable use of species. This session will show how the GSAP is supporting governments and stakeholders to plan species actions in line with commitments under CMS and CBD.

Moving from policy to action, the session will also introduce IUCN’s Save Our Species Programme. After 13 years of financing conservation action in 319 countries, the session will explore key learnings from the perspective of governments, civil society and the Species Survival Commission on the role of grant-making initiatives like Save Our Species to accelerate and sustain local, national and global conservation impacts.