Large event | 29 Apr, 2022


From April 29 to May 4, IUCN participated in the 7th Plenary session of the Intergovenmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-7)

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IPBES-7 concluded the review of the Platform’s effectiveness, adopted a second programme for the Platform’s future work and launched the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the Summary for Policy Makers.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM was key in informing the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - the first global biodiversity assessment since 2005. 

IUCN welcomed the report, which revealed the severity of the loss of living nature and its grave consequences for humans but also provided much reason to hope. It synthesises evidence for the effectiveness of a wide variety of actions that governments and other sectors of society can implement to halt the biodiversity crisis. The report comes at a crucial moment, as the world develops of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework under the CBD. Read more

IUCN supports IPBES Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement has been identified as an important element for the relevance, effectiveness, credibility and overall success of IPBES. The overall purpose of stakeholder engagement is to support the implementation of IPBES work programmes in a participatory, inclusive and transparent manner. Thanks to the France-IUCN partnership and through in-kind support to IPBES Secretariat, IUCN contributed to the preparation of the IPBES Stakeholder engagement strategy as well as to the structuration and activities of the Open-Ended Network of IPBES Stakeholders (ONet).

As in previous years, IUCN has been involved in the organization of the Stakeholder Day, which provides an opportunity for interested organizations to receive updates on the IPBES process and discuss their engagement prior to the Plenary session. The Stakeholder Day took place on April 28.